I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart I have overcome the world. John 16:33 NIV
Grieving, that's what a lot of us are doing over this senseless tragedy. Worrying, is another thing some of us are doing as our safety has once again been compromised.
Churches, movie theaters, malls, and now schools are now a place where we wonder "are we really safe?" All of these are places some of us go to regularly without a second thought to our safety. These past few months have shaken our world and caused us to rethink.
Rethinking things is good, it's just horrible that people had to die in order for us to rethink. We've become desensitized to violence. It has become a common occurrence on television, at the movies, or in video games. Fiction has become non-fiction, sometimes we don't even think twice about what our children are watching. As long as they're occupied and being quiet it's OK. It doesn't effect them.
Let me tell you it does, I have worked with children for over twenty years. I can tell which ones watch violence and which ones don't. It comes out in their playing. I continually redirect them and try to get them playing something different. At times I'm successful other times I'm not.
We don't have any guns on our home, play or real. It's not worth it to me. I rely on God to protect me.
Having guns or not having guns is a personal choice, I mean if they became illegal people who wanted them would still get them. The pioneers had them displayed over their fireplaces. I don't ever remember reading in my history book about a teenager getting his father's rifle and shooting up his school or the local general store.
Maybe the answer doesn't lie in the hands of the government, but in the hands of each of us. We need to get back to the basics. Teach our children about God. Teach our children the Ten Commandments, and the new laws that Jesus taught which basically cover the Ten Commandments. "Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul and with all your mind. This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: Love your neighbor as yourself." Matthew 22:37-39 NIV
After all God did command his children to talk about him when we get up, when we go about our day, and when we lie down. Maybe if each of us do this there will be less violence and more love. each of us has a choice it's our God given right. What will yours be?
Tuesday, December 18, 2012
Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Enjoy the Sunshine of Today
Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink; or about your body, what you will wear. Is life more important than food and the body more important than clothes. Matthew 6:25 NIV
"Why save up for a rainy day, why not enjoy the sunshine of today?" a character on one of the shows I watch said. His statement set me to thinking.
Part of what he said is true, really we shouldn't go around worrying about everything. This time of year though, the worry tends to sneak up on you.
We were out shopping on Saturday, and at one point I began to worry if I had put enough money in our account. I quickly added in my head and figured we were still OK, but still I worried.
Another thing that can cause worry, is how in the world am I gonna get it all done. There are only so many hours in the day. A friend said, "I decided if the tree gets up, there's a wreath on the door, and a few presents under the tree. Then it'll all be good." Sometimes in the stress of Christmas and with trying to keep all the traditions; we can lose sight of what Christmas is all about: "The Gift of Salvation."
Another part of me disagrees with what this character said. Sometimes you do need to save for a rainy day because sooner or later the rain does come. Let me tell you the rain does come. See if we go through our days unprepared for an unexpected event, then when the unexpected happens there will be chaos.
One of the best decisions we made this year was to prepare for a rainy day. It has been a blessing and a great relief to know that we're a little better prepared for the rain. Still I have learned to not worry about life because I know who wins in the end.
"Why save up for a rainy day, why not enjoy the sunshine of today?" a character on one of the shows I watch said. His statement set me to thinking.
Part of what he said is true, really we shouldn't go around worrying about everything. This time of year though, the worry tends to sneak up on you.
We were out shopping on Saturday, and at one point I began to worry if I had put enough money in our account. I quickly added in my head and figured we were still OK, but still I worried.
Another thing that can cause worry, is how in the world am I gonna get it all done. There are only so many hours in the day. A friend said, "I decided if the tree gets up, there's a wreath on the door, and a few presents under the tree. Then it'll all be good." Sometimes in the stress of Christmas and with trying to keep all the traditions; we can lose sight of what Christmas is all about: "The Gift of Salvation."
Another part of me disagrees with what this character said. Sometimes you do need to save for a rainy day because sooner or later the rain does come. Let me tell you the rain does come. See if we go through our days unprepared for an unexpected event, then when the unexpected happens there will be chaos.
One of the best decisions we made this year was to prepare for a rainy day. It has been a blessing and a great relief to know that we're a little better prepared for the rain. Still I have learned to not worry about life because I know who wins in the end.
Tuesday, December 4, 2012
I Saw God in the Sky
And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds. Hebrews 10:24 NIV
The text came easy enough, a picture of GOD in the sky. I hurried out back and sure enough God was in the sky, then came God Loves...
It's so true God does love. He has loved us since before we even knew what love was. Some of us know what His love feels like. Others may not know that it's his love they've been feeling all along.
Have you ever felt peace in a stressful situation? Have you been guided through a dangerous place? Have you been doing better than the doctors predicted?
God's love is here for us everyday. He has been in love with you before you even came into being. It's time to know the kind of love he has for us. Reach out talk with him today; maybe even pull out the Bible and read the love chapter 1 Corinthians Chapter 13.
God loves me this I know, and I don't need it written in the sky. But it sure was nice!
The text came easy enough, a picture of GOD in the sky. I hurried out back and sure enough God was in the sky, then came God Loves...
It's so true God does love. He has loved us since before we even knew what love was. Some of us know what His love feels like. Others may not know that it's his love they've been feeling all along.
Have you ever felt peace in a stressful situation? Have you been guided through a dangerous place? Have you been doing better than the doctors predicted?
God's love is here for us everyday. He has been in love with you before you even came into being. It's time to know the kind of love he has for us. Reach out talk with him today; maybe even pull out the Bible and read the love chapter 1 Corinthians Chapter 13.
God loves me this I know, and I don't need it written in the sky. But it sure was nice!
Tuesday, November 27, 2012
Am I Alone?
Therefore do not let anyone judge you by what you eat or drink, or with regard to a religous festival, a New Moon celebration or a Sabbath day. Col 2:16 NIV
It's another movie night at my house and for some reason my young ins always want to pick a movie I'm not interested in. Seriously sometimes it takes a half hour before we find a movie we can all agree on. Funny, when they were younger, I would shield them from violent movies and TV shows. Now that's what they seem to gravitate toward.
I guess the movies they want aren't exactly that bad, just not ones I'm interested in seeing. They delight in the Star Wars movies,the Lord of the Ring movies, the Batman movies, Spiderman movies, and now the other superhero movies. These may all seem harmless and great movies to see, I'm just not interested.
This weekend we were away, and it's become a tradition to watch a movie at night. It seemed all they brought were the movies I don't care to watch. There was one, but they didn't choose it. The choice came down to what I didn't care for. So soon I wondered over to bed--alone.
This of course was my choice, but still I was alone. Sometimes I wish it didn't seem it was me verses everyone else. I mean we all believe and should focus our attention on whatever is good and lovely. These are the things we should think about. For some reason though, it's not.
Someone this weekend accused me of living in a "Little House" world. Can I help it if that is one of the TV shows, I prefer. At least at times God was mention, and the family went to church on Sunday. Sometimes it'd be nice to go back to that time...a time before we became desensitize to violence. Where murder, obscene language, and obscene scenes were not a common part of our everyday TV or movie life.
It's another movie night at my house and for some reason my young ins always want to pick a movie I'm not interested in. Seriously sometimes it takes a half hour before we find a movie we can all agree on. Funny, when they were younger, I would shield them from violent movies and TV shows. Now that's what they seem to gravitate toward.
I guess the movies they want aren't exactly that bad, just not ones I'm interested in seeing. They delight in the Star Wars movies,the Lord of the Ring movies, the Batman movies, Spiderman movies, and now the other superhero movies. These may all seem harmless and great movies to see, I'm just not interested.
This weekend we were away, and it's become a tradition to watch a movie at night. It seemed all they brought were the movies I don't care to watch. There was one, but they didn't choose it. The choice came down to what I didn't care for. So soon I wondered over to bed--alone.
This of course was my choice, but still I was alone. Sometimes I wish it didn't seem it was me verses everyone else. I mean we all believe and should focus our attention on whatever is good and lovely. These are the things we should think about. For some reason though, it's not.
Someone this weekend accused me of living in a "Little House" world. Can I help it if that is one of the TV shows, I prefer. At least at times God was mention, and the family went to church on Sunday. Sometimes it'd be nice to go back to that time...a time before we became desensitize to violence. Where murder, obscene language, and obscene scenes were not a common part of our everyday TV or movie life.
Tuesday, November 20, 2012
Sun Or Clouds
The God of Israel spoke, the Rock of Israel said to me: When one rules over men in righteousness, when he rules in the fear of God, he is like the light of the morning at sunrise on a cloudless morning, like the brightness after rain that brings the grass from the earth. 2 Samuel 23:3-4 NIV
The day was dreary, the clouds seemed to hang around all day. I don't know about you, but when the clouds seem to hang around all day and cover the sun. It makes me feel a little down. The day is darker, duller and it just takes more effort to find joy.
Someone approached me while waiting for the kids to get out of school he asked, "how's your day?"
"It'd be better if the sun came out."
"I like it like this, I don't like the sun blaring in my eyes."
Interesting, he enjoys the dreary. I enjoy the sunshine. He though was able to find joy in the dreariness. I couldn't wait for the sun to shine again.
Yesterday, we went to the park. I thought it was going to be a sunshiny day, but no the clouds overtook the sky once again. The good news was that it was cool and not warm like most of our days in Florida. I wondered when the sun would be out, since there wasn't a chance for rain.
A friend was meeting me at the park. She pulled into the parking lot and amazingly the sun peeked it's way through the clouds lifting my spirit. How ironic that a friend's arrival brings joy and the sun decided to shine through at the moment of her arrival bringing a little warmth into the day.
Much like my encounters with my God bring warmth and sinshine to my day, even on the days when the sun doesn't shine. It's on those days that I need to rely on the Son who always shines down on me.
The day was dreary, the clouds seemed to hang around all day. I don't know about you, but when the clouds seem to hang around all day and cover the sun. It makes me feel a little down. The day is darker, duller and it just takes more effort to find joy.
Someone approached me while waiting for the kids to get out of school he asked, "how's your day?"
"It'd be better if the sun came out."
"I like it like this, I don't like the sun blaring in my eyes."
Interesting, he enjoys the dreary. I enjoy the sunshine. He though was able to find joy in the dreariness. I couldn't wait for the sun to shine again.
Yesterday, we went to the park. I thought it was going to be a sunshiny day, but no the clouds overtook the sky once again. The good news was that it was cool and not warm like most of our days in Florida. I wondered when the sun would be out, since there wasn't a chance for rain.
A friend was meeting me at the park. She pulled into the parking lot and amazingly the sun peeked it's way through the clouds lifting my spirit. How ironic that a friend's arrival brings joy and the sun decided to shine through at the moment of her arrival bringing a little warmth into the day.
Much like my encounters with my God bring warmth and sinshine to my day, even on the days when the sun doesn't shine. It's on those days that I need to rely on the Son who always shines down on me.
Tuesday, November 13, 2012
It Happens to the Best of Us
Be self-controlled and alert. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 NIV
A quiet evening at home, I'd been looking forward to it all day. My schedule sometimes has me out almost every night, this night though I'd be home.
The last day care child had gone home, and I was trying to figure out what to heat up since Friday night is left over night. Instead though I ended up doing something I've never done at least to this extent.
My husband and mechanical son were having a conversation and it was not going well. Which can occur when a son gets old enough to be an adult and the parent has a hard time accepting that. My son had taken care of a problem he paid for it and all was well. Except my husband had to explain why he should of taken care of it sooner. I figured my son had learned a lesson and probably won't let it happen again, after he's an adult now.
Another issue came up, we had set aside a date for a family trip. I had checked with everyone and it seemed like a good date so it was set. Well now eight days before this trip this same son informs us he has something else. It's some thing he looks forward to a once a year thing. This is why I checked with him, so it wouldn't conflict. Instead of taking the minute to check his calendar; he just agreed it was a good date.
The tension got bad in the house. Usually I stay out of their tifts, but then the unthinkable happens. My husband blocks my son from leaving the room, and for a minute there I thought things were going from bad to worse. The lion was ready to devour.
I step in the middle yelled my peace and then had to calm down. I went out the front door, so I could regain my compusor. This didn't improve anything, instead it made things worse. So then I ended up back in trying to state my opinon only to be stopped by my son. I mean I really blew my top! I still had sense enough not to slap someone's face, but it took all I had.
The worse part of all this is, we all know the Lord. We all serve him and talk with him constantly, just not at this particular moment. The devil got a foothold and devoured each of us.
The good part is during the calming down I was calling out to the Lord. I sought his forgiveness and he graciously gave it. My son came to seek forgiveness from both of us, and I sought forgiveness from each of them. My husband did as well.
Did we handle this exactly right? No. But did we learn something, hopefully. I know I did, God is by my side and he can help me through even when those I love the most seem to be hurting me the most.
A quiet evening at home, I'd been looking forward to it all day. My schedule sometimes has me out almost every night, this night though I'd be home.
The last day care child had gone home, and I was trying to figure out what to heat up since Friday night is left over night. Instead though I ended up doing something I've never done at least to this extent.
My husband and mechanical son were having a conversation and it was not going well. Which can occur when a son gets old enough to be an adult and the parent has a hard time accepting that. My son had taken care of a problem he paid for it and all was well. Except my husband had to explain why he should of taken care of it sooner. I figured my son had learned a lesson and probably won't let it happen again, after he's an adult now.
Another issue came up, we had set aside a date for a family trip. I had checked with everyone and it seemed like a good date so it was set. Well now eight days before this trip this same son informs us he has something else. It's some thing he looks forward to a once a year thing. This is why I checked with him, so it wouldn't conflict. Instead of taking the minute to check his calendar; he just agreed it was a good date.
The tension got bad in the house. Usually I stay out of their tifts, but then the unthinkable happens. My husband blocks my son from leaving the room, and for a minute there I thought things were going from bad to worse. The lion was ready to devour.
I step in the middle yelled my peace and then had to calm down. I went out the front door, so I could regain my compusor. This didn't improve anything, instead it made things worse. So then I ended up back in trying to state my opinon only to be stopped by my son. I mean I really blew my top! I still had sense enough not to slap someone's face, but it took all I had.
The worse part of all this is, we all know the Lord. We all serve him and talk with him constantly, just not at this particular moment. The devil got a foothold and devoured each of us.
The good part is during the calming down I was calling out to the Lord. I sought his forgiveness and he graciously gave it. My son came to seek forgiveness from both of us, and I sought forgiveness from each of them. My husband did as well.
Did we handle this exactly right? No. But did we learn something, hopefully. I know I did, God is by my side and he can help me through even when those I love the most seem to be hurting me the most.
Tuesday, November 6, 2012
It's All About Values
"...for there is no authority except that which God has established..." Romans 13: 1a
Today I proudly voted my values with one of my sons by my side voting his values. I let my voice be heard and now we wait to see how many others let their voice be heard.
Values is defined as something of relative worth or importance. There are a lot of things I value: God, family, friends; just to name a few. These are things that are important to me.
I am glad I live in a country where I am allowed to let my values be made known. This weekend I had the chance to watch part of a program that explained what are founding fathers valued. Some how of the course of time these values have been changed. Some have made it seem as what they really valued wasn't what they meant when they wrote our Constitution.
Another thing I learn was when they disagreed they would actually adjourn and go down the street to church. They would spend time in prayer and worship, they would refill their tanks. Then amazingly when they met again the disagreement would be solved.
It sure would be nice if those we've elected to be in charge would take some time away from the disagreement, pray and worship, and then come back. Who knows what would happen.
Whether the candidate I want or the candidate someone else wanted wins, I will still pray for the president (whether he likes it or not) and all of our elected officals. They sure can use it.
Romans 13 makes it clear that I must submit myself to the authority because God put them there, even if I don't understand it. I will continue to serve the Lord and follow his will because ultimately He's the one in charge.
Today I proudly voted my values with one of my sons by my side voting his values. I let my voice be heard and now we wait to see how many others let their voice be heard.
Values is defined as something of relative worth or importance. There are a lot of things I value: God, family, friends; just to name a few. These are things that are important to me.
I am glad I live in a country where I am allowed to let my values be made known. This weekend I had the chance to watch part of a program that explained what are founding fathers valued. Some how of the course of time these values have been changed. Some have made it seem as what they really valued wasn't what they meant when they wrote our Constitution.
Another thing I learn was when they disagreed they would actually adjourn and go down the street to church. They would spend time in prayer and worship, they would refill their tanks. Then amazingly when they met again the disagreement would be solved.
It sure would be nice if those we've elected to be in charge would take some time away from the disagreement, pray and worship, and then come back. Who knows what would happen.
Whether the candidate I want or the candidate someone else wanted wins, I will still pray for the president (whether he likes it or not) and all of our elected officals. They sure can use it.
Romans 13 makes it clear that I must submit myself to the authority because God put them there, even if I don't understand it. I will continue to serve the Lord and follow his will because ultimately He's the one in charge.
Tuesday, October 30, 2012
Would You Rather be a Window or a Door?
In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven. Matthew 5:16 NIV
Recently I was reading "Would You Rather be a Bullfrog?" to the preschoolers in my child care. In the book it gives you several different choices about what you want to be. One of the questions asked was "Would you rather be a window or a door?"
This question got me thinking-"which would I rather be?" A door-hum, well it's usually shut. It's there to protect us. It can be locked. It keeps predators out.
The front door on our house is usually only closed at night. A long time ago it was closed all day. The way our house is designed there is no window in the living room. Our living room was dark and it made it hard to see what was going on. When the weather was nice I'd open it and put a gate across it's opening, but that didn't protect us very well. So we invested in a storm door, now the front door is open and the light can come in.
Now a window-a window is used to let light shine in the room. It can be opened and let a breeze come through the house. It can be used for an escape in case the door is blocked. A window is very useful.
Our windows have been placed in good locations, if it's a nice day out then a breeze can easily pass through our house. Someone shared with me that we're lucky because we can get a breeze going through, his home he doesn't have that option.
During the day we have the blinds open and that allows for natural light to come in. Even at night when the moon is shining bright it's light will peek through the blinds.
For me a door seems to block out the light, so it doesn't shine. I would much rather be a window, so my light can shine. Even on days when there doesn't seem to be much light what's there can shine through.
So would you rather be a window
or a door?
Recently I was reading "Would You Rather be a Bullfrog?" to the preschoolers in my child care. In the book it gives you several different choices about what you want to be. One of the questions asked was "Would you rather be a window or a door?"
This question got me thinking-"which would I rather be?" A door-hum, well it's usually shut. It's there to protect us. It can be locked. It keeps predators out.
The front door on our house is usually only closed at night. A long time ago it was closed all day. The way our house is designed there is no window in the living room. Our living room was dark and it made it hard to see what was going on. When the weather was nice I'd open it and put a gate across it's opening, but that didn't protect us very well. So we invested in a storm door, now the front door is open and the light can come in.
Now a window-a window is used to let light shine in the room. It can be opened and let a breeze come through the house. It can be used for an escape in case the door is blocked. A window is very useful.
Our windows have been placed in good locations, if it's a nice day out then a breeze can easily pass through our house. Someone shared with me that we're lucky because we can get a breeze going through, his home he doesn't have that option.
During the day we have the blinds open and that allows for natural light to come in. Even at night when the moon is shining bright it's light will peek through the blinds.
For me a door seems to block out the light, so it doesn't shine. I would much rather be a window, so my light can shine. Even on days when there doesn't seem to be much light what's there can shine through.
So would you rather be a window
or a door?
Tuesday, October 23, 2012
In The Dark
"...as to a light shining in a dark place until the day dawns and the morning star rises in your hearts." 2 Peter 1:19 b
I plugged the night light back in, but it didn't seem to be working. It was time for a new bulb, this one had burned out. There isn't a night light bulb to be found in the house though, so it'll have to stay out until we stop by the store again.
The bathroom is now dark, much like my feelings the last couple of days. Right after my birthday I got on the scale, I try to monitor my weight and measurements on a weekly basis. Much to my surprise I gained 5 pounds which can be expected after a weekend away. So I increased my exercise routine and even started walking, which the Lord was encouraging me to do.
Every week I recheck my progress, weight stayed measurements though decreased some. This past Saturday I get on the scale again, I'd gained 5 more pounds. That's 10 pounds in 6 weeks! I truly do not understand why. I'm exercising more, and eating about the same. I try to make wise choices, but hey I do enjoy food. I try to limit myself to one helping, I try to snack on things that are lower in fat. So why the weight gain?
I admit I'm not a skinny minnie and probably won't be, but I do think I'm fit. I follow a work out video followed by 264 stomach crunches, 264 gluteal squeezes, 264 leg lifts both sides. Now most nights I'm walking at least 20 minutes. So I admit this gaining of weight has me feeling in the dark.
One day the light will replace the dark, I know the Lord has a plan as to why so I'll just wait for him to tell me. I will not give up the light will soon dawn.
I plugged the night light back in, but it didn't seem to be working. It was time for a new bulb, this one had burned out. There isn't a night light bulb to be found in the house though, so it'll have to stay out until we stop by the store again.
The bathroom is now dark, much like my feelings the last couple of days. Right after my birthday I got on the scale, I try to monitor my weight and measurements on a weekly basis. Much to my surprise I gained 5 pounds which can be expected after a weekend away. So I increased my exercise routine and even started walking, which the Lord was encouraging me to do.
Every week I recheck my progress, weight stayed measurements though decreased some. This past Saturday I get on the scale again, I'd gained 5 more pounds. That's 10 pounds in 6 weeks! I truly do not understand why. I'm exercising more, and eating about the same. I try to make wise choices, but hey I do enjoy food. I try to limit myself to one helping, I try to snack on things that are lower in fat. So why the weight gain?
I admit I'm not a skinny minnie and probably won't be, but I do think I'm fit. I follow a work out video followed by 264 stomach crunches, 264 gluteal squeezes, 264 leg lifts both sides. Now most nights I'm walking at least 20 minutes. So I admit this gaining of weight has me feeling in the dark.
One day the light will replace the dark, I know the Lord has a plan as to why so I'll just wait for him to tell me. I will not give up the light will soon dawn.
Tuesday, October 16, 2012
As Simple As a Gift
For it is by grace you have been saved through faith--and this is not from yourself, it is the gift of God... Ephesians 2:8
One Christmas quite a few years ago, I really wanted a bread machine. To be able to make home made bread and fresh pizza dough sounded exciting.
My want was answered, not only did I receive one bread machine--I got two. I kept one and returned the other. At first I made bread a lot, at least once a week. Sometimes more. I found different recipes, ones that didn't even come with the book. English muffins, bagels, soft pretzels...it was all very yummy.
Soon though I got busy, I would think about making a fresh loaf of bread, but then it would be to close to dinner. Later the bread machine even got moved to another place to store. Then it would become a real bother to get it out, it would take planning and thought. Still on occasion it gets pulled out and used, the fresh bread is well worth the effort.
Our life with God can become like my bread machine. At first when we receive him we're excited. We desire to pray and really get to know him better. We meet with him on a daily basis. We find different ways to know more about him.
Soon though life gets busy. We get easily sidetracked. Our devotion time gets in the way of our social time or other free time. We soon move our Bible into another location because it's in the way. On occasion we might look up a verse and we might pray. We wonder though is it worth the effort.
This past weekend served as a reminder that it is. A relationship with God is a gift, a gift we've each been given. So as I smell the fresh bread baking, I plan to meet with my Abba Father. The effort is worth it.
One Christmas quite a few years ago, I really wanted a bread machine. To be able to make home made bread and fresh pizza dough sounded exciting.
My want was answered, not only did I receive one bread machine--I got two. I kept one and returned the other. At first I made bread a lot, at least once a week. Sometimes more. I found different recipes, ones that didn't even come with the book. English muffins, bagels, soft pretzels...it was all very yummy.
Soon though I got busy, I would think about making a fresh loaf of bread, but then it would be to close to dinner. Later the bread machine even got moved to another place to store. Then it would become a real bother to get it out, it would take planning and thought. Still on occasion it gets pulled out and used, the fresh bread is well worth the effort.
Our life with God can become like my bread machine. At first when we receive him we're excited. We desire to pray and really get to know him better. We meet with him on a daily basis. We find different ways to know more about him.
Soon though life gets busy. We get easily sidetracked. Our devotion time gets in the way of our social time or other free time. We soon move our Bible into another location because it's in the way. On occasion we might look up a verse and we might pray. We wonder though is it worth the effort.
This past weekend served as a reminder that it is. A relationship with God is a gift, a gift we've each been given. So as I smell the fresh bread baking, I plan to meet with my Abba Father. The effort is worth it.
Tuesday, October 9, 2012
Looking For More
If you seek him, he will be found by you...1 Chronicles 28:9b
Funny how we don't notice something until we get it or want it. My athletic son recently wanted a pick up truck, he located one and was able to purchase it. Now when I drive around I see lots of pick up trucks like his. Before I never really paid much attention to this particular pick up, but now I'm aware of them.
Our Sunday school lesson this week asked us a question, "What do you see when you look at a forest?" Most of the kids answered trees, which is what most of us would answer, right? That's usually the first thought that pops into our heads.
The next question though was, "What would a bird watcher see?" Yep, you guessed it "Birds!" A bird watcher is looking for something different when they look at a forest.
So how many of us look for God? He is omnipresent so He's everywhere, but do we really see him. The Israelites had it pretty easy for awhile when he was in a pillar of cloud guided them. Our job of finding Him can be a little more challenging or is it?
"Take a look, he's here in plain view," a line from a song. God is in the every day...the breeze we feel to cool us down, the rainbow after the storm, in a baby's smile, in a sunset.
God is here question is are you going to look for him? Chances are if you look for him, you will find him.
Funny how we don't notice something until we get it or want it. My athletic son recently wanted a pick up truck, he located one and was able to purchase it. Now when I drive around I see lots of pick up trucks like his. Before I never really paid much attention to this particular pick up, but now I'm aware of them.
Our Sunday school lesson this week asked us a question, "What do you see when you look at a forest?" Most of the kids answered trees, which is what most of us would answer, right? That's usually the first thought that pops into our heads.
The next question though was, "What would a bird watcher see?" Yep, you guessed it "Birds!" A bird watcher is looking for something different when they look at a forest.
So how many of us look for God? He is omnipresent so He's everywhere, but do we really see him. The Israelites had it pretty easy for awhile when he was in a pillar of cloud guided them. Our job of finding Him can be a little more challenging or is it?
"Take a look, he's here in plain view," a line from a song. God is in the every day...the breeze we feel to cool us down, the rainbow after the storm, in a baby's smile, in a sunset.
God is here question is are you going to look for him? Chances are if you look for him, you will find him.
Tuesday, October 2, 2012
Sometimes It Just Takes Faith
He said to her, "Daughter your faith has healed you. Go in peace and be freed from your suffering." Mark 5:34 NIV
"Sometimes you just have to have faith and not question." A friend recently shared. She's so right.
There are times when we hear something from the Bible and we struggle to understand what it means. The Bible can be confusing in some spots and sometimes it's down right boring. No offense.
The Bible though is a guide on how we are to live our lives. There are stories in there to encourage us. Such as the woman who was healed after bleeding for twelve years.
She didn't want to be a bother to Jesus. She had been to several doctors and none of them could help. She wasn't allowed to be near her family because she was considered unclean. She was alone.
She was desperate. She had heard stories about Jesus, and knew he was coming. She figured she wouldn't draw attention to herself or him because if she touched him then he would be considered unclean.
The crowd was large she squeezed her way in and managed to touch the fringe of his coat. Just the fringe, immediately she felt different. She knew she'd been cured!
Jesus felt it too, he knew someone needed him. He stopped to find out who. At first she didn't want to speak, she didn't want him to know. I imagine though he was looking right at her, because he knew. She admitted it was her and he let her know her faith had healed her.
It didn't take much just a belief. Sometimes a belief is all we have left. A belief that things will get better. A belief that one day I will be healed. A belief that God will work things out for good.
Stop doubting my friend and believe no matter what other's may think. It just takes faith.
"Sometimes you just have to have faith and not question." A friend recently shared. She's so right.
There are times when we hear something from the Bible and we struggle to understand what it means. The Bible can be confusing in some spots and sometimes it's down right boring. No offense.
The Bible though is a guide on how we are to live our lives. There are stories in there to encourage us. Such as the woman who was healed after bleeding for twelve years.
She didn't want to be a bother to Jesus. She had been to several doctors and none of them could help. She wasn't allowed to be near her family because she was considered unclean. She was alone.
She was desperate. She had heard stories about Jesus, and knew he was coming. She figured she wouldn't draw attention to herself or him because if she touched him then he would be considered unclean.
The crowd was large she squeezed her way in and managed to touch the fringe of his coat. Just the fringe, immediately she felt different. She knew she'd been cured!
Jesus felt it too, he knew someone needed him. He stopped to find out who. At first she didn't want to speak, she didn't want him to know. I imagine though he was looking right at her, because he knew. She admitted it was her and he let her know her faith had healed her.
It didn't take much just a belief. Sometimes a belief is all we have left. A belief that things will get better. A belief that one day I will be healed. A belief that God will work things out for good.
Stop doubting my friend and believe no matter what other's may think. It just takes faith.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
It's OK to Ask
So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be open to you. Luke 11:9 NIV
Recently I was shocked, people admitted that they feel guilty for asking God for things. One person even shared he didn't know how to talk to God. He just recited the prayers he knew.
For me asking is just a part of the talking with God. I don't pray for a million dollars and I don't ask the Lord to hurt anybody. Generally I just talk to God like he's my best friend, He is by the way.
If we use the word PRAY, it can be used as and acronym to help you know what to pray.
P-praise...I honor Him, He likes to hear my praise and adoration I have for Him. I even thank Him for things that seem weird. Like today the A/C unit froze up again, last time it needed a good cleaning. So I figured we can handle that ourselves. First though I have to get the unit thawed out. I remembered what the A/C repairmen said about how to run the unit so it won't freeze. Keep the fan on on instead of on auto, so I did that and turned the unit off for an hour.
A half hour later the fan shuts itself off, no read out on my control. So I waited and prayed it would come back on a half hour later. No deal, now I need to call the repairman. He calls me back and knows what the problem is. Then he explains to me how to fix it. Now how many A/C guys would tell you that. God didn't exactly answer my prayer the way I intended, instead He let me see that there is still people who are there to help you out.
R-repent...This is a time when I seek forgiveness for things I have done. I may be a Christian, but that doesn't stop me from making mistakes. I need to come to the Lord and let him know when I've screwed up. He's OK with that, He'll just wipe my slate clean once again. Then I try really hard not to mess up again.
A-ask... He tells us to ask. Usually I ask for others needs first. I ask Him questions I need answers to. I don't know everything and I really need His guidance. Especially when I have tough decisions to make. This is when it's OK to ask Him to meet your financially needs or any needs. He knows how much money I need and He will provide. He never ceases to amaze me in providing for our needs.
Y-yourself...See it's OK to pray fro yourself. Often I'm asking for the strength I need to get me through the day. Sometimes I pray for things I desire, it never hurts to ask all He can say is no or not now. Ocasionally he does say "yes".
Just remember prayer is simply having a conversation with God. He loves to hear from you, even if you have to start with the simple child prayer you learned. Any conversation is better than no conversation. God is there 24/7, he longs to have you come to Him. Don't be afraid, he won't bite.
Recently I was shocked, people admitted that they feel guilty for asking God for things. One person even shared he didn't know how to talk to God. He just recited the prayers he knew.
For me asking is just a part of the talking with God. I don't pray for a million dollars and I don't ask the Lord to hurt anybody. Generally I just talk to God like he's my best friend, He is by the way.
If we use the word PRAY, it can be used as and acronym to help you know what to pray.
P-praise...I honor Him, He likes to hear my praise and adoration I have for Him. I even thank Him for things that seem weird. Like today the A/C unit froze up again, last time it needed a good cleaning. So I figured we can handle that ourselves. First though I have to get the unit thawed out. I remembered what the A/C repairmen said about how to run the unit so it won't freeze. Keep the fan on on instead of on auto, so I did that and turned the unit off for an hour.
A half hour later the fan shuts itself off, no read out on my control. So I waited and prayed it would come back on a half hour later. No deal, now I need to call the repairman. He calls me back and knows what the problem is. Then he explains to me how to fix it. Now how many A/C guys would tell you that. God didn't exactly answer my prayer the way I intended, instead He let me see that there is still people who are there to help you out.
R-repent...This is a time when I seek forgiveness for things I have done. I may be a Christian, but that doesn't stop me from making mistakes. I need to come to the Lord and let him know when I've screwed up. He's OK with that, He'll just wipe my slate clean once again. Then I try really hard not to mess up again.
A-ask... He tells us to ask. Usually I ask for others needs first. I ask Him questions I need answers to. I don't know everything and I really need His guidance. Especially when I have tough decisions to make. This is when it's OK to ask Him to meet your financially needs or any needs. He knows how much money I need and He will provide. He never ceases to amaze me in providing for our needs.
Y-yourself...See it's OK to pray fro yourself. Often I'm asking for the strength I need to get me through the day. Sometimes I pray for things I desire, it never hurts to ask all He can say is no or not now. Ocasionally he does say "yes".
Just remember prayer is simply having a conversation with God. He loves to hear from you, even if you have to start with the simple child prayer you learned. Any conversation is better than no conversation. God is there 24/7, he longs to have you come to Him. Don't be afraid, he won't bite.
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Adopted Into the Family
"... who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light." Colosians 1:12b NIV
"You're now Hannah Stuart." A three year old boy in my care shared.
"No, I'm not I'm Hannah Jones," the three year girl answered back.
The argument continued then I heard his logic. "No, you were adopted. You're now Hannah Stuart because I'm James Stuart."
He made a good point. Of the nine kids in my day care five of them recently were adopted into families: two to one family and three to another. The little boy just assumed since he was adopted and his last name changed, and this little girl was adopted too. They both must have the same last name.
I had to explain that a different Mommy and Daddy adopted her, so her name is different. He hasn't quite got it and still insists on calling her "Hannah Stuart".
He did get me thinking though. About how we are each adopted when we accept Christ as our personal Savior. Maybe we don't get a name change, but we do get our name written into God's family. We take on the name child of God.
We are guaranteed an entrance into the Kingdom of heaven. We become God's sons and daughters.
Today our preschool lesson was about everyone being allowed to be in the family of God. We need to treat everyone as our brother and sister. How interesting, all of us are family!
So welcome to the family! My brothers and sisters in Christ.
"You're now Hannah Stuart." A three year old boy in my care shared.
"No, I'm not I'm Hannah Jones," the three year girl answered back.
The argument continued then I heard his logic. "No, you were adopted. You're now Hannah Stuart because I'm James Stuart."
He made a good point. Of the nine kids in my day care five of them recently were adopted into families: two to one family and three to another. The little boy just assumed since he was adopted and his last name changed, and this little girl was adopted too. They both must have the same last name.
I had to explain that a different Mommy and Daddy adopted her, so her name is different. He hasn't quite got it and still insists on calling her "Hannah Stuart".
He did get me thinking though. About how we are each adopted when we accept Christ as our personal Savior. Maybe we don't get a name change, but we do get our name written into God's family. We take on the name child of God.
We are guaranteed an entrance into the Kingdom of heaven. We become God's sons and daughters.
Today our preschool lesson was about everyone being allowed to be in the family of God. We need to treat everyone as our brother and sister. How interesting, all of us are family!
So welcome to the family! My brothers and sisters in Christ.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Storms Will Come
The disciple went and woke him, saying "Master, Master, we're going to drown!" He got up and rebuked the wind and the raging waters; the storm subsided, and all was calm. "Where is your faith?" He asked his disciples.
Eerily it looked, but strangely familiar as we drove to church on Sunday. My husband prepared for the down pour by turning on the wipers. Funny how when driving down the road you can see the wall of water just waiting for your arrival.
At times we can have a chance to prepare for the storm. We see the clouds. We hear the rumble of the thunder. Sometimes we're warned a week ahead of time that a storm could be approaching.
Other times though, there is no warning. The storms just happen. Like on one of our field trips this past summer. We were perfectly happy playing putt putt in the morning. We usually get afternoon storms, next thing I knew I felt a rain drop then another and another. "Oh, one of these quick passing sprinkles, right?" No, as we finish the hole we were on, the sky opened and poured on us. We were soaked.
Life can be like this. Sometimes we have a feeling something bad is going to happen. Or we see the warning signs. Sure enough a storm approaches, we're prepared. We have our umbrella close at hand and we're ready to face this storm head on.
Other times though there is no warning sign. We're dealt on unexpected blow, we get soaked. the storm can be tough to bare. We can get through it, it's just a lot harder.
Either way this is where our faith can come in and help us weather the storm. We call out in a panic and the Lord comes to our rescue. He calms the storm, he dries us off, and helps us get through. All we need is a little bit of faith.
Eerily it looked, but strangely familiar as we drove to church on Sunday. My husband prepared for the down pour by turning on the wipers. Funny how when driving down the road you can see the wall of water just waiting for your arrival.
At times we can have a chance to prepare for the storm. We see the clouds. We hear the rumble of the thunder. Sometimes we're warned a week ahead of time that a storm could be approaching.
Other times though, there is no warning. The storms just happen. Like on one of our field trips this past summer. We were perfectly happy playing putt putt in the morning. We usually get afternoon storms, next thing I knew I felt a rain drop then another and another. "Oh, one of these quick passing sprinkles, right?" No, as we finish the hole we were on, the sky opened and poured on us. We were soaked.
Life can be like this. Sometimes we have a feeling something bad is going to happen. Or we see the warning signs. Sure enough a storm approaches, we're prepared. We have our umbrella close at hand and we're ready to face this storm head on.
Other times though there is no warning sign. We're dealt on unexpected blow, we get soaked. the storm can be tough to bare. We can get through it, it's just a lot harder.
Either way this is where our faith can come in and help us weather the storm. We call out in a panic and the Lord comes to our rescue. He calms the storm, he dries us off, and helps us get through. All we need is a little bit of faith.
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
God Does Hear
Ask and it will be given to you...For everyone who asks receives Matthew 7:7a & 8a NIV
Funny thing, usually for my birthday or Christmas I don't really have a want. This year though I did. I researched about this item and decided that I really would desire to own it.
I've been working really hard to keep us on a budget. Every week I figure out how much we're going to make and what needs to be paid. This is working out very well. So last week with my birthday approaching I budgeted a certain amount.
This was kind of weird for me to do because I really don't want to spend money on myself. Last year I didn't want to spend money on me, I just wanted to go camping. This year though I set money aside. This item I desired I researched about the different kinds, not the price.
So now came the time to shop, I didn't plan to purchase it myself just leave a hint for my husband. Anyway the amount of the item exceeded the budgeted amount. In my head I tried to justify spending that much money on me. I couldn't do it. It's better to stick to God's plan then my own anyway.
The next day, I gave up on the idea at least at this time. I had a little talk with God, "I'm not giving up hope on this. I know you can give me the desires of my heart and one day you will. Just right now this is a want not a need. Lord, I know you supply our needs and sometimes our wants. Maybe some day I will be able to have this item."
With that done I tried not to think about it. My birthday arrived, and we were camping. Camping is such a nice way to relax. The birthday wishes came (even from a spider who decided to shower with me). I had a nice lunch with some of my family, swam, and then yes it was present time!
I open each package that was chosen for me. It came time to open the one from my parents and guess what--they had purchased the item I wanted. I was touched that they'd spend all that money on me. God answered my prayer through my parents, and now I get to enjoy the item!
God really does care about our wants and our needs.
Funny thing, usually for my birthday or Christmas I don't really have a want. This year though I did. I researched about this item and decided that I really would desire to own it.
I've been working really hard to keep us on a budget. Every week I figure out how much we're going to make and what needs to be paid. This is working out very well. So last week with my birthday approaching I budgeted a certain amount.
This was kind of weird for me to do because I really don't want to spend money on myself. Last year I didn't want to spend money on me, I just wanted to go camping. This year though I set money aside. This item I desired I researched about the different kinds, not the price.
So now came the time to shop, I didn't plan to purchase it myself just leave a hint for my husband. Anyway the amount of the item exceeded the budgeted amount. In my head I tried to justify spending that much money on me. I couldn't do it. It's better to stick to God's plan then my own anyway.
The next day, I gave up on the idea at least at this time. I had a little talk with God, "I'm not giving up hope on this. I know you can give me the desires of my heart and one day you will. Just right now this is a want not a need. Lord, I know you supply our needs and sometimes our wants. Maybe some day I will be able to have this item."
With that done I tried not to think about it. My birthday arrived, and we were camping. Camping is such a nice way to relax. The birthday wishes came (even from a spider who decided to shower with me). I had a nice lunch with some of my family, swam, and then yes it was present time!
I open each package that was chosen for me. It came time to open the one from my parents and guess what--they had purchased the item I wanted. I was touched that they'd spend all that money on me. God answered my prayer through my parents, and now I get to enjoy the item!
God really does care about our wants and our needs.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
Someone's Been Wooing You
For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my mother's womb. Psalm 139:13
The breeze was much gentler than I thought it would be. I braced for the worse sort of, but turned out to be a typical rainy day in Florida. For this I am grateful.
Funny thing about the wind, it's not something you think about to often. Except when it's not there.
This past summer we had a chance to be on the beach. I was a little concerned about the weather considering where we were going is not a place I would normally go during Hurricane season. The Lord though provided us a glorious day, the wind kept our hot humid day bearable and most pleasant. The wind though also caused for a small craft advisory making the chance to be in a boat impossible
Later in the week I was on a lake. One day there was no wind. The day was hot, humid and a little less bearable. I found relief in the pool and the AC. Wind really does make a difference.
There is someone who is a lot like the wind. Maybe you don't give Him much thought. He's always thinking of you though--in fact He thought of you before you were even you.
Maybe on occasion you think about Him. Like when a crisis hits or everything is going well. Other times you may not think about Him at all. Like when everything is going wrong or life's a breeze.
He's been there through it all whether you acknowledge Him or not. He understands the heart ache, the disappointment, or the sickness. He wants to rejoice with you when you receive the promotion, the healing, or you've found someone special.
He's been calling you all your life, much like the wind has been there. Maybe today will be the day you answer Him or maybe the next time you feel a gentle breeze you'll call out. No matter when it is, He will always be there to answer and in fact he's more reliable than the wind.
The breeze was much gentler than I thought it would be. I braced for the worse sort of, but turned out to be a typical rainy day in Florida. For this I am grateful.
Funny thing about the wind, it's not something you think about to often. Except when it's not there.
This past summer we had a chance to be on the beach. I was a little concerned about the weather considering where we were going is not a place I would normally go during Hurricane season. The Lord though provided us a glorious day, the wind kept our hot humid day bearable and most pleasant. The wind though also caused for a small craft advisory making the chance to be in a boat impossible
Later in the week I was on a lake. One day there was no wind. The day was hot, humid and a little less bearable. I found relief in the pool and the AC. Wind really does make a difference.
There is someone who is a lot like the wind. Maybe you don't give Him much thought. He's always thinking of you though--in fact He thought of you before you were even you.
Maybe on occasion you think about Him. Like when a crisis hits or everything is going well. Other times you may not think about Him at all. Like when everything is going wrong or life's a breeze.
He's been there through it all whether you acknowledge Him or not. He understands the heart ache, the disappointment, or the sickness. He wants to rejoice with you when you receive the promotion, the healing, or you've found someone special.
He's been calling you all your life, much like the wind has been there. Maybe today will be the day you answer Him or maybe the next time you feel a gentle breeze you'll call out. No matter when it is, He will always be there to answer and in fact he's more reliable than the wind.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
It's Easier to Blame
The man said, "The woman you put here with me--she gave me some fruit from the tree and I ate it." Genesis 3:12 NIV
"I didn't do it," the young boy said.
"I watched you do it." I told him.
"Well, um, he did it first," came the reply.
Why are we so quick to defend ourselves? Why don't we just admit to when we do something wrong? Wouldn't that be much easier?
The blame game goes a long way back, all the way to Adam and Eve. One of the reasons I feel quick to defend myself is I really don't want anyone to know I made a mistake. We all make them, but to admit to them is another thing.
Funny thing is I get frustrated when the kids don't admit to what I've seen them do. It makes me mad. Maybe I should take a lesson from God. He witness what they had done, he knew it before he confronted them. Yet when they hymn and hall about admitting to what they've done, he doesn't yell or lose his cool. He explains their punishment and is done with it.
Also I should just admit to the wrong I've done instead of avoiding the conflict. Life would probably be much simpler if I did. Sure there'd be consequences, but if I'd admit then I could be forgiven and restored.
"I didn't do it," the young boy said.
"I watched you do it." I told him.
"Well, um, he did it first," came the reply.
Why are we so quick to defend ourselves? Why don't we just admit to when we do something wrong? Wouldn't that be much easier?
The blame game goes a long way back, all the way to Adam and Eve. One of the reasons I feel quick to defend myself is I really don't want anyone to know I made a mistake. We all make them, but to admit to them is another thing.
Funny thing is I get frustrated when the kids don't admit to what I've seen them do. It makes me mad. Maybe I should take a lesson from God. He witness what they had done, he knew it before he confronted them. Yet when they hymn and hall about admitting to what they've done, he doesn't yell or lose his cool. He explains their punishment and is done with it.
Also I should just admit to the wrong I've done instead of avoiding the conflict. Life would probably be much simpler if I did. Sure there'd be consequences, but if I'd admit then I could be forgiven and restored.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
Running the Race
Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. 1Corinthains 9:25 NIV
Endurance, strict training, improving, learning, all things an Olympic athlete does in order to compete. They spend hours a day training and improving their time or their skill. I really enjoyed watching the different competitions at the Olympics. It was a lot of fun cheering for the USA.
The smiles on their faces were priceless as they realized they won gold. Sometimes they wore the look of disappointment, as the gold was not to be theirs. Still though, I was more impressed at the end of each meet when congratulations were given to each athlete who competed. No matter how they did, I saw hand shakes, hugs, and high fives.
Language barriers were broken down, past grievances forgotten as each country that participated with an open mind. It was nice to see how people of different cultures and beliefs could come together and celebrate the fact that they were good enough to compete.
All this training is tough and a big time commitment, but is it worth really? I guess it probably is or no one would even try. The thing is when it's all said and done will each winner be remembered. Sure there are a few who stand out...Michael Phelps, Mary Lou Retton...but one day someone will be greater and better. Their crown or metals will not last.
There is a crown that will last our relationship with God. We need to train/learn and grow with the same type of training an Olympic athlete does. Endure reading the word of God-it is relevant today. Train your mind to be set on God and not earthly desires. Improve your relationship with God by praying and making Him your best friend. Learn all you can about God. All of these matter and unlike a gold medal will last forever.
Endurance, strict training, improving, learning, all things an Olympic athlete does in order to compete. They spend hours a day training and improving their time or their skill. I really enjoyed watching the different competitions at the Olympics. It was a lot of fun cheering for the USA.
The smiles on their faces were priceless as they realized they won gold. Sometimes they wore the look of disappointment, as the gold was not to be theirs. Still though, I was more impressed at the end of each meet when congratulations were given to each athlete who competed. No matter how they did, I saw hand shakes, hugs, and high fives.
Language barriers were broken down, past grievances forgotten as each country that participated with an open mind. It was nice to see how people of different cultures and beliefs could come together and celebrate the fact that they were good enough to compete.
All this training is tough and a big time commitment, but is it worth really? I guess it probably is or no one would even try. The thing is when it's all said and done will each winner be remembered. Sure there are a few who stand out...Michael Phelps, Mary Lou Retton...but one day someone will be greater and better. Their crown or metals will not last.
There is a crown that will last our relationship with God. We need to train/learn and grow with the same type of training an Olympic athlete does. Endure reading the word of God-it is relevant today. Train your mind to be set on God and not earthly desires. Improve your relationship with God by praying and making Him your best friend. Learn all you can about God. All of these matter and unlike a gold medal will last forever.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
Choose Today
But if serving the Lord seems undesirable to you, then choose for yourselves this day whom you will serve whether the gods your forefathers served beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in whose land you are living. But as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Joshua 24:15 NIV
I serve the Lord, I am proud to serve the Lord. I am glad I live in a country where serving the Lord is not a crime. I would hope that even if I lived in a country where serving the Lord is a crime, I would have the strength and courage to still serve the Lord.
For me serving the Lord is the best choice I could make. I made the choice to accept the Lord as a preteen in a small church. A song spoke to me, and I realized just attending church or because my parents attended church it wouldn't save me. I needed to ask Jesus to come into my life and forgive me for my wrong doings. So on that day I asked Jesus to be my savior.
I believe this is what helped me not make to bad of choices during the rest of my growing up years. Sure I messed up, but I would once again return to the Lord and seek forgiveness.
Soon though I found I wasn't completely serving the Lord. For some reason I didn't think God needed to be concern with my finances-after all money is a worldly thing not a Godly thing. I found myself in a situation where I was robbing Peter to pay Paul. Borrowing from the credit card to pay the mortgage.
Soon the money ran out, and we were facing foreclosure. I had no where to go except to my knees. That day my life was forever changed. I confessed not because the Lord didn't know-He knew all right-but because when we sin we're called to confess. That day on my knees I confessed, and the Lord saved me. He saved our home! He made it right.
Sure I've messed up from time to time(day to day), but I always return to the one who knows me better than anyone else. So I am proud to say as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Even if it means taking a stand for what the Bible says is right.
The Bible after all is our instruction manual. Any question one may have, the Lord can lead you to the the answer through His word. I choose to follow and believe it to be true. All of us have that freedom, and time will tell who is right. One day each one of us will stand before the Lord. I hope I can hear "Well done, good and faithful servant." I hope the same is true for you.
I serve the Lord, I am proud to serve the Lord. I am glad I live in a country where serving the Lord is not a crime. I would hope that even if I lived in a country where serving the Lord is a crime, I would have the strength and courage to still serve the Lord.
For me serving the Lord is the best choice I could make. I made the choice to accept the Lord as a preteen in a small church. A song spoke to me, and I realized just attending church or because my parents attended church it wouldn't save me. I needed to ask Jesus to come into my life and forgive me for my wrong doings. So on that day I asked Jesus to be my savior.
I believe this is what helped me not make to bad of choices during the rest of my growing up years. Sure I messed up, but I would once again return to the Lord and seek forgiveness.
Soon though I found I wasn't completely serving the Lord. For some reason I didn't think God needed to be concern with my finances-after all money is a worldly thing not a Godly thing. I found myself in a situation where I was robbing Peter to pay Paul. Borrowing from the credit card to pay the mortgage.
Soon the money ran out, and we were facing foreclosure. I had no where to go except to my knees. That day my life was forever changed. I confessed not because the Lord didn't know-He knew all right-but because when we sin we're called to confess. That day on my knees I confessed, and the Lord saved me. He saved our home! He made it right.
Sure I've messed up from time to time(day to day), but I always return to the one who knows me better than anyone else. So I am proud to say as for me and my household, we will serve the Lord. Even if it means taking a stand for what the Bible says is right.
The Bible after all is our instruction manual. Any question one may have, the Lord can lead you to the the answer through His word. I choose to follow and believe it to be true. All of us have that freedom, and time will tell who is right. One day each one of us will stand before the Lord. I hope I can hear "Well done, good and faithful servant." I hope the same is true for you.
Tuesday, July 31, 2012
Interseting Thing About the Light
The sun will no more be your light by day, nor will the brightness of the moon shine on you, for the Lord will be your everlasting light, and God will be your glory. Isaiah 60:19 NIV
"That bug is sure dumb," my daughter shared as we relaxed in the swimming pool.
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"It just flew straight into the wall." Certainly not a smart thing to do, but it got me thinking about bugs. This really isn't my favorite subject I mean after all they are bugs.
A realization came over me though, maybe bugs really aren't so dumb. Maybe there is something to the life of a bug. Where do they go when it's dark? The light. A bug is smart enough to know it doesn't want to live in the darkness, it would rather be where there's light.
Why avoid the darkness? Maybe because predators lurk in the dark just waiting to eat them. If a bug can figure out it doesn't like the darkness, why can't we?
Why do people hide in the dark? Do they enjoy living awaiting for the attack of the predators? Is there a reason to hide away from the light?
Sure there's shame, things we don't want anyone to know about us. It's easier to live like nobody knows what we've done because if we admitted what we've done nobody would look at us the same again. The light will reveal the problem we have.
The light though will not only free us from the darkness and the shame, but bring us back into fellowship with others. Just like a bunch of bugs surround the only light in the darkness.The love from the body of Christ will help us overcome the darkness and give us the glory of God.
"That bug is sure dumb," my daughter shared as we relaxed in the swimming pool.
"What do you mean?" I questioned.
"It just flew straight into the wall." Certainly not a smart thing to do, but it got me thinking about bugs. This really isn't my favorite subject I mean after all they are bugs.
A realization came over me though, maybe bugs really aren't so dumb. Maybe there is something to the life of a bug. Where do they go when it's dark? The light. A bug is smart enough to know it doesn't want to live in the darkness, it would rather be where there's light.
Why avoid the darkness? Maybe because predators lurk in the dark just waiting to eat them. If a bug can figure out it doesn't like the darkness, why can't we?
Why do people hide in the dark? Do they enjoy living awaiting for the attack of the predators? Is there a reason to hide away from the light?
Sure there's shame, things we don't want anyone to know about us. It's easier to live like nobody knows what we've done because if we admitted what we've done nobody would look at us the same again. The light will reveal the problem we have.
The light though will not only free us from the darkness and the shame, but bring us back into fellowship with others. Just like a bunch of bugs surround the only light in the darkness.The love from the body of Christ will help us overcome the darkness and give us the glory of God.
Tuesday, July 17, 2012
Able to Laugh
Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Psalm 126:2 NIV
I knew it was a long shot, but once again I heard MR. BIG VOICE. The tenth caller wins ice cream, so why not try.
Earlier I tried and the phone actually rang instead of the annoying buzzing. I was almost afraid to hang up but after 50 rings it was time to throw in the towel. This time it rang the first time I tired, so I awaited the 50 rings before I hung up again.
I worked my puzzle and listened to the busy chatter of 4 children. "Are you 18?" the voice on the other end asked.
"Yes, I am 18." I answered back not sure why I was asked but figured it had to do something with winning the ice cream. Seconds passed...reality set in...did I just say I was 18?
Quickly I corrected myself, after all I can't lie. Especially, since I am the mother of an 18 year old. Later, I got to listen to myself on the radio as I made a fool of myself. The laughter bubbled over in my daughter, my husband, the children in my care, and in myself as it was rather comical. Later my sons got a laugh when the story was retold to them.
Sometimes my days get so crazy and stressed that I forget to laugh. The tension rises in me until my jaw is tight and I feel as if I could explode at any moment. Sometimes the things everybody else laughs at is just not funny to me, and I wonder am I taking life to serious?
Laughter is good for the soul, it relieves the tension and helps bring joy back into the day. Hopefully, I can remember this the next time I get to tense. It's also good to be able to laugh at myself when I get caught off guard.
Take time to laugh...
I knew it was a long shot, but once again I heard MR. BIG VOICE. The tenth caller wins ice cream, so why not try.
Earlier I tried and the phone actually rang instead of the annoying buzzing. I was almost afraid to hang up but after 50 rings it was time to throw in the towel. This time it rang the first time I tired, so I awaited the 50 rings before I hung up again.
I worked my puzzle and listened to the busy chatter of 4 children. "Are you 18?" the voice on the other end asked.
"Yes, I am 18." I answered back not sure why I was asked but figured it had to do something with winning the ice cream. Seconds passed...reality set in...did I just say I was 18?
Quickly I corrected myself, after all I can't lie. Especially, since I am the mother of an 18 year old. Later, I got to listen to myself on the radio as I made a fool of myself. The laughter bubbled over in my daughter, my husband, the children in my care, and in myself as it was rather comical. Later my sons got a laugh when the story was retold to them.
Sometimes my days get so crazy and stressed that I forget to laugh. The tension rises in me until my jaw is tight and I feel as if I could explode at any moment. Sometimes the things everybody else laughs at is just not funny to me, and I wonder am I taking life to serious?
Laughter is good for the soul, it relieves the tension and helps bring joy back into the day. Hopefully, I can remember this the next time I get to tense. It's also good to be able to laugh at myself when I get caught off guard.
Take time to laugh...
Tuesday, July 10, 2012
All Alone...
And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. Matthew 28:20b
Have you ever felt alone? Like you were nobody, unimportant, invisible...
During my high school years this happened to me a few times. Lunch time is one of the worst memories I have of high school. Unlike elementary school or middle school you're free to sit wherever you want. The freedom to choose, only problem no one would choose me.
If I got there and found a table no one would sit with me. My friends would always have a different lunch period. Eventually, I found someone to eat with, but it took time. It hurts not to be chosen, and left alone.
Funny thing is, it still happens to me today at times. My family will go to a potluck supper and we'd get a table first and no one chooses to sit with us. They choose to sit other places. Now at these I'm not alone, I'm with my family but it still hurts all the same that I'm not chosen.
This happened to me during my week at camp. During one of the meals a couple of the girls sat with me at a table, and no one choose to sit with us. I felt bad for the girls, so the next meal I told them to go ahead and sit with their friends. I could tell it hurt them to not be chosen. Then I picked a table to sit at, one with one seat open. I asked about the opened spot, and at first no one was sitting there. Then when I grabbed it to sit in, they said "sorry someones sitting there."
I looked around and the only place available was a table with no one else at it. So I sat all alone, with a tightness in my throat and tears in my eyes as it brought back memories. Luckily, though I wasn't alone for long.
Abandonment was once again felt this past weekend, as I was left alone to complete work that was suppose to be done together. This time the tears wouldn't stay away because I didn't think I was suppose to ever feel alone in my own home. Apologies were made. But once again I felt unimportant, that something else was selected above me.
The truth is I'm never truly alone. People may hurt me, and feel I'm unworthy. But the Lord, he is always with me and he loves me so much that he was willing to die for me. I can always hold onto the truth that I am worthy!
Have you ever felt alone? Like you were nobody, unimportant, invisible...
During my high school years this happened to me a few times. Lunch time is one of the worst memories I have of high school. Unlike elementary school or middle school you're free to sit wherever you want. The freedom to choose, only problem no one would choose me.
If I got there and found a table no one would sit with me. My friends would always have a different lunch period. Eventually, I found someone to eat with, but it took time. It hurts not to be chosen, and left alone.
Funny thing is, it still happens to me today at times. My family will go to a potluck supper and we'd get a table first and no one chooses to sit with us. They choose to sit other places. Now at these I'm not alone, I'm with my family but it still hurts all the same that I'm not chosen.
This happened to me during my week at camp. During one of the meals a couple of the girls sat with me at a table, and no one choose to sit with us. I felt bad for the girls, so the next meal I told them to go ahead and sit with their friends. I could tell it hurt them to not be chosen. Then I picked a table to sit at, one with one seat open. I asked about the opened spot, and at first no one was sitting there. Then when I grabbed it to sit in, they said "sorry someones sitting there."
I looked around and the only place available was a table with no one else at it. So I sat all alone, with a tightness in my throat and tears in my eyes as it brought back memories. Luckily, though I wasn't alone for long.
Abandonment was once again felt this past weekend, as I was left alone to complete work that was suppose to be done together. This time the tears wouldn't stay away because I didn't think I was suppose to ever feel alone in my own home. Apologies were made. But once again I felt unimportant, that something else was selected above me.
The truth is I'm never truly alone. People may hurt me, and feel I'm unworthy. But the Lord, he is always with me and he loves me so much that he was willing to die for me. I can always hold onto the truth that I am worthy!
Tuesday, July 3, 2012
A Storm...
Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Matthew 7:7
Months of anticipation were soon becoming a disappointment. I prayed for good weather and I had no idea why a Tropical Storm (TS) was sitting over Florida.
Have you ever watched the weather when a TS is sitting out in the water? We now have a cone of error to predict which way the storm is going to go. One moment you're out of the cone and the next you're back in. The rain actually started 5 days before we were to leave for camp. Now with most storms 2 to 3 days of rain and then clear skies once again.
This storm was different, they all have the unique ways. TS Debby decided she liked the gulf and wanted to hang around awhile. It rained 4 steady days and from the prediction of the meteorologists it seemed to what to linger for another week.
My prayer was not only for good weather for camp, but for nothing to be canceled. I've been to camp when things are canceled, and sitting inside watching movies is no fun. I trusted God to come through, but the weather didn't seem to be in our favor.
Before we left for camp we all circle up to pray. My prayer again was for good weather even when it seemed against what was predicted. As we walked out the door, the sun shone down from behind the clouds. It only lasted 30 seconds, but for me it was an assurance that God had this.
Our trip up to camp was uneventful and safe. It rained off and on, which continued as we registered and headed to where we'd each be staying. The next day was a little less wet, the rain came when we were involved in an activity. It poured that entire night as the storm went through the county above us.
This is picture is of the sky the next morning. The last few days of camp were beautiful. In fact, one group of campers got to play a game that hadn't been played yet because of the weather. A couple of things did get canceled, but that was it. This actually was one of the best weather weeks at camp this summer so far.
God is so awesome! I don't know why I doubted and felt disappointed. I should have remembered that if I ask, seek, and knock God will come through!
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
Miracles Still Happen
He did miracles in the sight of their fathers. Psalm 78:12a
A miracle had happened right under my nose the entire time. I was speechless when I realized God haddone a miracle, and it happened three days earlier. This has made me wonder, how often do miracles occur and I miss them.
Miracles still happen today! Are we looking for them though? Can we be so busy that the miracle is right under our nose and we aren't even aware of it?
God is still in the business of healing, He still answers prayers, and He still cares for all of our needs. A few years back, I had the chance to be a coordinator of a prayer chain. While praying for others, I was able to see God's hand at work. Cancer being healed, babies born healthy, or marriages being saved. It was truly amazing to see God's hand at work.
For a few months now, I have been praying for God to bless our Vacation Bible School. It was a simple prayer-good weather and possibly 30 kids attend. Our church is a small church on an average Sunday we have 8 - 16 kids attend. Last year our VBS attendance was 22, and we've grown by 2 -3 kids per year. Thirty is a bigger percentage growth.
Our first night we had 22, I thought well at least we have what we had last year. I also knew a few more could possibly come the second night. Sure enough night number two we add not three, but five. Now as many of you may realize attendance varies from day to day, so I began counting enrollment forms. Espically since kids were everywhere, and the guides knew who they had with them. I knew one needed to fill his form out and return it, so I counted his as already being there.
Still I prayed for the thirty, but also know that by night three you usually don't get anymore. We did though, we got two more. We were at 29, I prayed "Oh Lord, one more would be great, but I understand if this is it." Also said, "Man if that one day care kid could have come we would have had it."
The next two nights were the same 29. I was pleased with that after all it's 7 more than last year. So I made out the certificates from the forms, and was prepared for the final night or so I thought.
It's a sad but happy night, when VBS is through. I hoped these children's lives were touched and hoped they continue to learn about God. We began passing out certificates-this is when I began to realize that God had answered my prayer. One little girl's mom(who was there the entire time helping) failed to fill out her form. So her certificate was not done. WE HAD 30 KIDS FOR THREE DAYS!
I was overwhelmed with God's love as I realized he answered my prayer-He sent us 30 kids. A miracle which I failed to even realize until that moment. God is so good!
I need to keep my eyes open to the miracles he has in store, and trust that he does indeed answer prayers.
A miracle had happened right under my nose the entire time. I was speechless when I realized God haddone a miracle, and it happened three days earlier. This has made me wonder, how often do miracles occur and I miss them.
Miracles still happen today! Are we looking for them though? Can we be so busy that the miracle is right under our nose and we aren't even aware of it?
God is still in the business of healing, He still answers prayers, and He still cares for all of our needs. A few years back, I had the chance to be a coordinator of a prayer chain. While praying for others, I was able to see God's hand at work. Cancer being healed, babies born healthy, or marriages being saved. It was truly amazing to see God's hand at work.

For a few months now, I have been praying for God to bless our Vacation Bible School. It was a simple prayer-good weather and possibly 30 kids attend. Our church is a small church on an average Sunday we have 8 - 16 kids attend. Last year our VBS attendance was 22, and we've grown by 2 -3 kids per year. Thirty is a bigger percentage growth.
Our first night we had 22, I thought well at least we have what we had last year. I also knew a few more could possibly come the second night. Sure enough night number two we add not three, but five. Now as many of you may realize attendance varies from day to day, so I began counting enrollment forms. Espically since kids were everywhere, and the guides knew who they had with them. I knew one needed to fill his form out and return it, so I counted his as already being there.
Still I prayed for the thirty, but also know that by night three you usually don't get anymore. We did though, we got two more. We were at 29, I prayed "Oh Lord, one more would be great, but I understand if this is it." Also said, "Man if that one day care kid could have come we would have had it."
The next two nights were the same 29. I was pleased with that after all it's 7 more than last year. So I made out the certificates from the forms, and was prepared for the final night or so I thought.
It's a sad but happy night, when VBS is through. I hoped these children's lives were touched and hoped they continue to learn about God. We began passing out certificates-this is when I began to realize that God had answered my prayer. One little girl's mom(who was there the entire time helping) failed to fill out her form. So her certificate was not done. WE HAD 30 KIDS FOR THREE DAYS!
I was overwhelmed with God's love as I realized he answered my prayer-He sent us 30 kids. A miracle which I failed to even realize until that moment. God is so good!
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
Love always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.1 Corinthians 13:7 NIV
"You can't baby him, Eliza Jane, he needs to get up and come to the table. If he wants to eat he'll come," Laura Ingalls Wilder said (or something close to this) in the episode where her husband Almanzo contracts diphtheria. During a hail storm he rushes out of bed to save his crops during a hail storm, then he suffers a stroke leaving the left side of his body paralyzed.
The doctor seemed to think that if he worked the body parts he would regain use of them. Instead, he gives up and figures he should just accept the fact that he will live the rest of his life paralyzed and be no good to anyone.
His sister hears of his trouble and has come to "help", instead she goes behind Laura's back and babies Almanzo.
The reason I brought this up is because during the scene I described I realized that I am a lot like Laura. I don't like to baby anyone, I mean I'll try and help them when their sick. I like to see someone fight to try and regain their strength and hope to live. If someone is capable of performing a task even if it might be difficult for him then I much rather see him try.
During physical therapy I heard a lot of gripping and people wanting to give up. The therapist though were there to encourage and help them to persevere. I managed to persevere too, as I trusted in them to help me regain my strength and return to doing what I was before. With their guidance I am as good as new (Kind of I'm where I was before the fall).
Sometimes love can be tough, when all you want to do after a difficult time is protect and not let them get hurt again. Then again, we need to trust that all will be well and hope for the best even if it's tough as we persevere through the darkest days.
Oh by the way, Alamnzo finally gains his wife's courage and walks again. He's able to provide for his family once again.
"You can't baby him, Eliza Jane, he needs to get up and come to the table. If he wants to eat he'll come," Laura Ingalls Wilder said (or something close to this) in the episode where her husband Almanzo contracts diphtheria. During a hail storm he rushes out of bed to save his crops during a hail storm, then he suffers a stroke leaving the left side of his body paralyzed.
The doctor seemed to think that if he worked the body parts he would regain use of them. Instead, he gives up and figures he should just accept the fact that he will live the rest of his life paralyzed and be no good to anyone.
His sister hears of his trouble and has come to "help", instead she goes behind Laura's back and babies Almanzo.
The reason I brought this up is because during the scene I described I realized that I am a lot like Laura. I don't like to baby anyone, I mean I'll try and help them when their sick. I like to see someone fight to try and regain their strength and hope to live. If someone is capable of performing a task even if it might be difficult for him then I much rather see him try.
During physical therapy I heard a lot of gripping and people wanting to give up. The therapist though were there to encourage and help them to persevere. I managed to persevere too, as I trusted in them to help me regain my strength and return to doing what I was before. With their guidance I am as good as new (Kind of I'm where I was before the fall).
Sometimes love can be tough, when all you want to do after a difficult time is protect and not let them get hurt again. Then again, we need to trust that all will be well and hope for the best even if it's tough as we persevere through the darkest days.
Oh by the way, Alamnzo finally gains his wife's courage and walks again. He's able to provide for his family once again.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy. Psalm 126:2 NIV
It seemed like a good idea at the time. My daughter and I were in a home store just to pick up a couple of things for a VBS set. The need for a cart seemed pointless, after all we are two capable women.
The search was on...one can feel like a fish out of water what with wood, tools, nuts and bolts....we managed though to locate the first thing on our list, foam board. We each carried a package, not to hard to handle.
Then came the aisle with the PVC pipes, I even knew where they were. The ones that my daughter decided on were 10 feet in length. She wanted to get a cart, but we only needed two. I decided we could handle carrying the packages we already had and one pipe a piece. The cart after all was on the other side of the store.
We took a right turn out of the aisle with our foam under an arm and a pipe in the other hand teetering like a teeter-totter. The amusement of this moment was beginning to grow as we got looks from a few people who were on the aisle.
We turned towards the cash registers and managed to get there without knocking anything over or hitting costumers. Then came the moment to pay, now how would I manage. I delicately dropped the pipe on the floor and took care of the payment.
As I reclaimed my pipe, I almost lost it. But firmly grabbed it as we proceeded tthrough the parking lot. The bubbling of the laughter began and by the time we got to the car we were roaring.
"I can't believe you made me carry this through the store," my daughter laughed.
"Well now you'll have a memory, you won't soon forget."
Laughter has been said to be good medicine. It sure did lighten our moods and was certainly better than complaining. We've even been able to think back about our amusing time these last couple of days.
God wants us to be joyful and thankful, remember to take time to find the laughter then your joy will overflow.
It seemed like a good idea at the time. My daughter and I were in a home store just to pick up a couple of things for a VBS set. The need for a cart seemed pointless, after all we are two capable women.
The search was on...one can feel like a fish out of water what with wood, tools, nuts and bolts....we managed though to locate the first thing on our list, foam board. We each carried a package, not to hard to handle.
Then came the aisle with the PVC pipes, I even knew where they were. The ones that my daughter decided on were 10 feet in length. She wanted to get a cart, but we only needed two. I decided we could handle carrying the packages we already had and one pipe a piece. The cart after all was on the other side of the store.
We took a right turn out of the aisle with our foam under an arm and a pipe in the other hand teetering like a teeter-totter. The amusement of this moment was beginning to grow as we got looks from a few people who were on the aisle.
We turned towards the cash registers and managed to get there without knocking anything over or hitting costumers. Then came the moment to pay, now how would I manage. I delicately dropped the pipe on the floor and took care of the payment.
As I reclaimed my pipe, I almost lost it. But firmly grabbed it as we proceeded tthrough the parking lot. The bubbling of the laughter began and by the time we got to the car we were roaring.
"I can't believe you made me carry this through the store," my daughter laughed.
"Well now you'll have a memory, you won't soon forget."
Laughter has been said to be good medicine. It sure did lighten our moods and was certainly better than complaining. We've even been able to think back about our amusing time these last couple of days.
God wants us to be joyful and thankful, remember to take time to find the laughter then your joy will overflow.
Tuesday, May 29, 2012
And do not forget to do good and to share with others, for with such sacrifices God is pleased. Hebrews 13:16 NIV
"I need to remind my husband to get gas in the van on his way to pick up the camper," I thought as I got ready to turn into the parking lot to drop my daughter off at dance class. Only one thing wrong with that--I have the van!
Now how in the world could I have possibly done this again. A few months back I was suppose to take the other car, but I automatically got in the van. It is after all, the main vehicle I drive. I told myself all day that I was not going to make the same mistake again.
I even managed to tell my daughter, who I knew would be with me, and should have a better memory than me. Surely, she'd remember! Nope, here we were 20 minutes later in the vehicle that was supposed to be left at home.
My husband even reminded me befoer I left, "Remember to take the Jeep."
"Yeah, yeah I know."
The sad part was, that the entire way there I didn't even think twice about the vehicle I was driving. The realization literally hit me as I needed to remind my husband of something. How can I so easily forget what I need to remember.
There are times when I'm so busy with life, that I may forget to share what God wants me to do. I get my own idea in my head of how something should be, and forget to do the sharing I should be doing. Sharing with others should be and easy thing, and should come without thinking. Just as getting in the wrong car because I did it with out thinking--it was just instinct.
"I need to remind my husband to get gas in the van on his way to pick up the camper," I thought as I got ready to turn into the parking lot to drop my daughter off at dance class. Only one thing wrong with that--I have the van!
Now how in the world could I have possibly done this again. A few months back I was suppose to take the other car, but I automatically got in the van. It is after all, the main vehicle I drive. I told myself all day that I was not going to make the same mistake again.
I even managed to tell my daughter, who I knew would be with me, and should have a better memory than me. Surely, she'd remember! Nope, here we were 20 minutes later in the vehicle that was supposed to be left at home.
My husband even reminded me befoer I left, "Remember to take the Jeep."
"Yeah, yeah I know."
The sad part was, that the entire way there I didn't even think twice about the vehicle I was driving. The realization literally hit me as I needed to remind my husband of something. How can I so easily forget what I need to remember.
There are times when I'm so busy with life, that I may forget to share what God wants me to do. I get my own idea in my head of how something should be, and forget to do the sharing I should be doing. Sharing with others should be and easy thing, and should come without thinking. Just as getting in the wrong car because I did it with out thinking--it was just instinct.
Tuesday, May 15, 2012
"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not depart from it." Proverbs 22:7 NIV
Another boy, we have another son, I thought as I held my second son in my arms for the first time. The nurses made me more nervous with him though than with my first. They told me I needed to wake him every two hours to eat or his blood sugar would go down, or something like that.
After a month of him having his days and nights mixed up, and me trying to feed him all the time. I finally said "Enough". I believe he'll be fine, he just doesn't want to eat every two hours. Sure enough after that, he was on a regular schedule and never once had a problem with his blood sugar. Now he has no problem eating or grazing all the time.
This Saturday delight of a boy will graduate high school. He has brought me such joy and can find a way to push my buttons. He has a way of teasing and bringing out the laughter. He has always been willing to lend a helping hand, and serve. Sometimes I may have asked to much of him, but it was easier when I knew he'd do it.
I am so proud of him, and believe I have done everything to teach him about God and serving him. I hope that he will not depart from what he knows to be the truth. I do realize that this son of mine will have to make his own choices.
He wanted to know the Lord when he was quite young-in the grocery store of all places. He prayed the sinners prayer and asked Jesus to be his Savior. I often wondered if he was to young, but know he believes.
It has been a joy to be his teacher these last four years, I wished it could have been more. He has learned so much and has most of the time concentrated on what he needed to learn. He may forget which form of "there" to use, and forget the apostrophes, but he knows a lot and usually smokes us all at Jeopardy.
My mother's heart often hurt for him, when even though he was a part of the team he was often overlooked. He though enjoyed every minute of whatever team he was on. He really enjoys sports and has always done his best whenever he got the chance to play. I didn't like when I would have to miss a game because it was played so far away. He is the only reason I will watch a game of football, and I've learned so much about basketball.
I was proud to pin his Eagle badge on his Boy Scout uniform the day he became and Eagle Scout. Yes, this boy of mine has made this mama proud. I can't wait to see what plans God has for him, and trust that he will follow His lead.
Another boy, we have another son, I thought as I held my second son in my arms for the first time. The nurses made me more nervous with him though than with my first. They told me I needed to wake him every two hours to eat or his blood sugar would go down, or something like that.
After a month of him having his days and nights mixed up, and me trying to feed him all the time. I finally said "Enough". I believe he'll be fine, he just doesn't want to eat every two hours. Sure enough after that, he was on a regular schedule and never once had a problem with his blood sugar. Now he has no problem eating or grazing all the time.
This Saturday delight of a boy will graduate high school. He has brought me such joy and can find a way to push my buttons. He has a way of teasing and bringing out the laughter. He has always been willing to lend a helping hand, and serve. Sometimes I may have asked to much of him, but it was easier when I knew he'd do it.
I am so proud of him, and believe I have done everything to teach him about God and serving him. I hope that he will not depart from what he knows to be the truth. I do realize that this son of mine will have to make his own choices.
He wanted to know the Lord when he was quite young-in the grocery store of all places. He prayed the sinners prayer and asked Jesus to be his Savior. I often wondered if he was to young, but know he believes.
It has been a joy to be his teacher these last four years, I wished it could have been more. He has learned so much and has most of the time concentrated on what he needed to learn. He may forget which form of "there" to use, and forget the apostrophes, but he knows a lot and usually smokes us all at Jeopardy.
My mother's heart often hurt for him, when even though he was a part of the team he was often overlooked. He though enjoyed every minute of whatever team he was on. He really enjoys sports and has always done his best whenever he got the chance to play. I didn't like when I would have to miss a game because it was played so far away. He is the only reason I will watch a game of football, and I've learned so much about basketball.
I was proud to pin his Eagle badge on his Boy Scout uniform the day he became and Eagle Scout. Yes, this boy of mine has made this mama proud. I can't wait to see what plans God has for him, and trust that he will follow His lead.
Tuesday, May 8, 2012
All day long I have been plagued; I have been punished every morning. Psalm 73:14 NIV
Another one bites the dust, as I tried to use a can opener it broke in my hands. It seems as though the past year I have had a can opener plague.
A few years ago I got a really nice hand operating can opener. It went around the edge of the can and I could pull off the lid without the worry of cutting myself. I liked it, my family did not. "It doesn't work for me," was the phrase I often heard as someone else in my family tried to use it.
Well as most things do, this can opener wore out. It still worked on occasion, but not very well. So the purchase of a new can opener was necessary. Looking in the store the decision was made to buy a nice hand held one. I brought it home and life was good--cans were opened with little complaint.
Soon though, all to soon the can opener no longer functioned well. It became difficult to open cans with it. Three or four or more times around became ridiculous. So a trip to the store was necessary as I had to once again pick a can opener. This time the cheapest one was chosen, with the thought that if it doesn't work than I didn't waste a lot of money.
Cans were opened once again, at least for a day. This one broke just after a couple of uses. Oh my, off to the store I went once again. This time the purchase was made of a more expensive one, and it worked for awhile at least. We even purchased this one for the church because the church's had disappeared. Someone else also bought one for the church. All the can openers worked for a year anyway.
The one at home broke once again. Then while at church trying to prepare a dinner both of the ones broke there. A quick run to the store brought a new one, and wouldn't you know it. It didn't work from the get go. Such a simple thing, and such a problem.
This time I wasn't taking any chances, I broke down and spent the extra money for an electric can opener. The day came for it's first use, it took awhile and the reading of the directions but finally it opened a can! Well sort of, it opens most of the can. Two places are still connected on every can, so this requires two trips around.
So I've decided we must have a can opener plague. Sure I could take the new one back or call the manufacture, somehow though I don't think it will work. We after all have a can opener plague.
Another one bites the dust, as I tried to use a can opener it broke in my hands. It seems as though the past year I have had a can opener plague.
A few years ago I got a really nice hand operating can opener. It went around the edge of the can and I could pull off the lid without the worry of cutting myself. I liked it, my family did not. "It doesn't work for me," was the phrase I often heard as someone else in my family tried to use it.
Well as most things do, this can opener wore out. It still worked on occasion, but not very well. So the purchase of a new can opener was necessary. Looking in the store the decision was made to buy a nice hand held one. I brought it home and life was good--cans were opened with little complaint.
Soon though, all to soon the can opener no longer functioned well. It became difficult to open cans with it. Three or four or more times around became ridiculous. So a trip to the store was necessary as I had to once again pick a can opener. This time the cheapest one was chosen, with the thought that if it doesn't work than I didn't waste a lot of money.
Cans were opened once again, at least for a day. This one broke just after a couple of uses. Oh my, off to the store I went once again. This time the purchase was made of a more expensive one, and it worked for awhile at least. We even purchased this one for the church because the church's had disappeared. Someone else also bought one for the church. All the can openers worked for a year anyway.
The one at home broke once again. Then while at church trying to prepare a dinner both of the ones broke there. A quick run to the store brought a new one, and wouldn't you know it. It didn't work from the get go. Such a simple thing, and such a problem.
This time I wasn't taking any chances, I broke down and spent the extra money for an electric can opener. The day came for it's first use, it took awhile and the reading of the directions but finally it opened a can! Well sort of, it opens most of the can. Two places are still connected on every can, so this requires two trips around.
So I've decided we must have a can opener plague. Sure I could take the new one back or call the manufacture, somehow though I don't think it will work. We after all have a can opener plague.
Tuesday, May 1, 2012
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34 NIV
The tears they came, even though I tried to will them away. God had prepared me for the answer, but still the news was hard.
The end of the month is a time when the county pays for the previous month's care of children on the program. I know about when this is due, but when I checked it was not there. I wondered why, and God said "It arrived late."
Four weeks before, I had been serving the Lord at the end of the month. I wasn't home the first day I could have mailed in the aper work required, but knew I would be home in plenty of time to get the it complete and in the mail in time. This was one of the first things I did after arriving home.
The envelope with all the information was placed in the mail. I wondered if it would make it, but assured myself it would. It usually takes a day. I didn't really think about it again. Our mail comes at different times throughout the day. Some people can say "I get my mail at 2:00 every day." Not us we get it in the morning one day and the late afternoon the next. This day must have been a late afternoon pickup.
The money I expected still hadn't arrived by the time Monday rolled around, so I decided to call. The news I expected, I received. I even explain how this is not a good thing. He said, "Your money will come just not for awhile."
Upset, the tears fell. I mean we've been trying to follow the "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. He makes it sound so easy, first step save a $1,000. Well how in the world am I suppose to do that, when the money doesn't come in?
There is good news, since I have been trying to save. There was enough there to pay the water bill and the electric bill. Groceries were bought, so we would't starve. Somehow, even without other payments not coming in. There was even enough for the car insurance to be paid.
I'm not quite sure how, all is I know I serve a loving God who cares enough for the lilies in the field to look beautiful and the birds to get their food (even if it's my blueberries). So I know he must care for me and will provide for us even when it doesn't look so promising.
The tears they came, even though I tried to will them away. God had prepared me for the answer, but still the news was hard.
The end of the month is a time when the county pays for the previous month's care of children on the program. I know about when this is due, but when I checked it was not there. I wondered why, and God said "It arrived late."
Four weeks before, I had been serving the Lord at the end of the month. I wasn't home the first day I could have mailed in the aper work required, but knew I would be home in plenty of time to get the it complete and in the mail in time. This was one of the first things I did after arriving home.
The envelope with all the information was placed in the mail. I wondered if it would make it, but assured myself it would. It usually takes a day. I didn't really think about it again. Our mail comes at different times throughout the day. Some people can say "I get my mail at 2:00 every day." Not us we get it in the morning one day and the late afternoon the next. This day must have been a late afternoon pickup.
The money I expected still hadn't arrived by the time Monday rolled around, so I decided to call. The news I expected, I received. I even explain how this is not a good thing. He said, "Your money will come just not for awhile."
Upset, the tears fell. I mean we've been trying to follow the "Total Money Makeover" by Dave Ramsey. He makes it sound so easy, first step save a $1,000. Well how in the world am I suppose to do that, when the money doesn't come in?
There is good news, since I have been trying to save. There was enough there to pay the water bill and the electric bill. Groceries were bought, so we would't starve. Somehow, even without other payments not coming in. There was even enough for the car insurance to be paid.
I'm not quite sure how, all is I know I serve a loving God who cares enough for the lilies in the field to look beautiful and the birds to get their food (even if it's my blueberries). So I know he must care for me and will provide for us even when it doesn't look so promising.
Tuesday, April 24, 2012
Tortilla Shells Multiplying
Glorify the Lord with me;let us exalt his name together. Psalm 34:3 NIV
At the beginning of the week I saw the tortilla shells, one lonely bag of tortilla shells. I looked for more, but I didn't see any. "Hum, I thought I got more, I guess the boys have really snacked on them. That means I either go to the store or hope there's enough for Thursday's lunch."
I really didn't want to go to the store. I've been trying to shop for two weeks at a time and really didn't want to spend more money. I'm trying to stick to a budget. I planned on making something else for Thursdays lunch. I didn't think any more of it.
I had a few days to figure it out. Imagine my surprise the next day when I looked in the fridge and I discover another bag of tortillas. I hadn't asked for them, I didn't go to the store--they just appeared. "Wow! Thanks Lord, I believe that will end up enough for us on Thursday."
It didn't end there though, the following day when I opened the fridge in the same location there were two more bags of tortilla shells. "Now that's weird," I thought. "What's going on? Are they multiplying on me?"
I couldn't figure it out, all I know is the Lord heard my need even without me asking. It was a small blessing, but it was enough to show me how much God cares for my littlest need.
At the beginning of the week I saw the tortilla shells, one lonely bag of tortilla shells. I looked for more, but I didn't see any. "Hum, I thought I got more, I guess the boys have really snacked on them. That means I either go to the store or hope there's enough for Thursday's lunch."
I really didn't want to go to the store. I've been trying to shop for two weeks at a time and really didn't want to spend more money. I'm trying to stick to a budget. I planned on making something else for Thursdays lunch. I didn't think any more of it.
I had a few days to figure it out. Imagine my surprise the next day when I looked in the fridge and I discover another bag of tortillas. I hadn't asked for them, I didn't go to the store--they just appeared. "Wow! Thanks Lord, I believe that will end up enough for us on Thursday."
It didn't end there though, the following day when I opened the fridge in the same location there were two more bags of tortilla shells. "Now that's weird," I thought. "What's going on? Are they multiplying on me?"
I couldn't figure it out, all I know is the Lord heard my need even without me asking. It was a small blessing, but it was enough to show me how much God cares for my littlest need.
Tuesday, April 17, 2012
Worshipping With Clowns, Oh My!
"Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs." Psalm 100:2
It was a time of reunion, a reunion with some women who spent a weekend together learning how to become a strong disciple for the Lord. During the weekend we found out two of these ladies were clowns, now as we met together we were all surprised as they came dressed in their finest clown gear.
It made the reunion a little more interesting and a bit more happy. Some of these women have had a great time since returning to the battle of the world and some have had a rough time. Just the way life can be, a roller coaster ride. A ride at times that can be scary and at other times a lot of fun.
The night progressed with so much food, that there was no way to try it all even though I think some may have tried. After all pot lucks are a lot of fun that way, trying things that you don't normally make or even know how to make.
Then we moved to the sanctuary to praise the Lord together. I found a pew large enough for my family and the couple who had joined us for the evening. I hadn't really thought about the clowns, I figured they'd found a place and were just fine. I continued to watch for my husband and the couple since they were still finishing up dessert when we made the trek over. I had saved room for them.
The next thing I know, we're beginning and there was no sign of them as of yet. As I begin to send my husband a text to put a little fire under his eating, guess who would arrive needing a seat. Yep-the clowns! Now I could have been rude, but no I scooted over and let them sit next to me. Now my husband and the couple would have to be on their own.
"How in the world am I suppose to worship the Lord and concentrate on his message for me with two clowns sitting beside me?" I thought. I tried my best, I sang and praised the Lord as if they weren't sitting beside me. I mean one look at them and I would forget the purpose of worshipping the Lord.
Funny thing happened to me though, it turns out that was one of the closest worship experiences I've had with the Lord in awhile. The clowns didn't bother me, in fact they reminded me to sing joyfully before my God.
What a great experience!
It was a time of reunion, a reunion with some women who spent a weekend together learning how to become a strong disciple for the Lord. During the weekend we found out two of these ladies were clowns, now as we met together we were all surprised as they came dressed in their finest clown gear.
It made the reunion a little more interesting and a bit more happy. Some of these women have had a great time since returning to the battle of the world and some have had a rough time. Just the way life can be, a roller coaster ride. A ride at times that can be scary and at other times a lot of fun.
The night progressed with so much food, that there was no way to try it all even though I think some may have tried. After all pot lucks are a lot of fun that way, trying things that you don't normally make or even know how to make.
Then we moved to the sanctuary to praise the Lord together. I found a pew large enough for my family and the couple who had joined us for the evening. I hadn't really thought about the clowns, I figured they'd found a place and were just fine. I continued to watch for my husband and the couple since they were still finishing up dessert when we made the trek over. I had saved room for them.
The next thing I know, we're beginning and there was no sign of them as of yet. As I begin to send my husband a text to put a little fire under his eating, guess who would arrive needing a seat. Yep-the clowns! Now I could have been rude, but no I scooted over and let them sit next to me. Now my husband and the couple would have to be on their own.
"How in the world am I suppose to worship the Lord and concentrate on his message for me with two clowns sitting beside me?" I thought. I tried my best, I sang and praised the Lord as if they weren't sitting beside me. I mean one look at them and I would forget the purpose of worshipping the Lord.
Funny thing happened to me though, it turns out that was one of the closest worship experiences I've had with the Lord in awhile. The clowns didn't bother me, in fact they reminded me to sing joyfully before my God.
What a great experience!
Wednesday, April 11, 2012
New Growth
So neither he who plants nor he who waters is anything, but only God, who makes things grow. 1 Corinthians 3:7 NIV
The beauty of new branches on a tree that was all but destroyed, amazes me.
Last year, I was upset when tree trimmers came in and mutilated the beautiful trees that lined the main street in our neighborhood. The trees had finally grown to the point where our street was almost draped across with trees.
The drive into our entrance reminded me of the tree lined street we drove down in St. Augustine, which is protected because of it's natural beauty and history. We also experienced this in Savannah. The beauty on our street was just beginning. Sure turning onto it from other streets was becoming difficult as you had to creep your car carefully up, so that you could see when it was safe to turn. I for one was willing to live with it because the natural beauty out weighed the danger.
Then the workers came, they were hired to trim branches. It seemed as though they trimmed branches that were unnecessary. My husband assured me that it was because school buses could no longer drive safely down the street, they were using the middle instead of being on the side of the road they needed to be on. Not to mention when an emergency vehicle needed to enter our neighborhood.
So with mourning, I said good-bye to the beauty of the street and watched as the branches were mulched up and taken away.
Today though, I can rejoice again. Today as I drove on our street, I noticed something-NEW GROWTH! Where the branches had been cut away now there is three to four new branches forming. Man may have tried to destroy the beauty, but God will make things bloom once again.
The beauty of new branches on a tree that was all but destroyed, amazes me.
Last year, I was upset when tree trimmers came in and mutilated the beautiful trees that lined the main street in our neighborhood. The trees had finally grown to the point where our street was almost draped across with trees.
The drive into our entrance reminded me of the tree lined street we drove down in St. Augustine, which is protected because of it's natural beauty and history. We also experienced this in Savannah. The beauty on our street was just beginning. Sure turning onto it from other streets was becoming difficult as you had to creep your car carefully up, so that you could see when it was safe to turn. I for one was willing to live with it because the natural beauty out weighed the danger.
Then the workers came, they were hired to trim branches. It seemed as though they trimmed branches that were unnecessary. My husband assured me that it was because school buses could no longer drive safely down the street, they were using the middle instead of being on the side of the road they needed to be on. Not to mention when an emergency vehicle needed to enter our neighborhood.
So with mourning, I said good-bye to the beauty of the street and watched as the branches were mulched up and taken away.
Today though, I can rejoice again. Today as I drove on our street, I noticed something-NEW GROWTH! Where the branches had been cut away now there is three to four new branches forming. Man may have tried to destroy the beauty, but God will make things bloom once again.
Tuesday, April 3, 2012
The Darkness Consumes
You, O Lord, keep my lamp burning; my God turns my darkness into light. Psalm 18:28 NIV
The darkness is so hard to walk in, yet alone live in. Why do people want to stay in the dark? Is it easier in the dark?
It's hard to see what's in front of you in the dark. I experienced this once in a cave. I took a tour and while in a room they turned the light off. It was so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. Is this why people choose to stay in the dark? Because if they hide in the dark, no one will see their flaws.
It's easier to hide, isn't it. Why should anyone know where you've fallen short? So much is expected of each of us, and we certainly wouldn't want to disappoint anyone. It's so much easier if no one knows my shortcomings. If I were in the light, than people would realize I'm not perfect.
The problem is though, while you've been in the dark you've turned people away. You haven't let anyone get close enough to get to know where you've messed up and fallen short. It's easier that way, isn't it? After all, no one can really see one another in the dark.
The hope to face another day, can disappear in the dark. Strange thoughts happen in the dark. Then there's a glimpse of light, not a big flame just a tiny glow from the spark of light shown. Your eye turns to it, maybe it would be better to live with this light. Anything would be better than the darkness.
You reach out and grab a hold of the light, it's no longer cold a warmth fills your soul. The things you thought were so terrible about yourself, turns out weren't so bad. The source of this light helps you, loves you unconditionally, and soon you become a new creation.
The imperfections are not so important, and so you shine with the light of Christ. God has turn your darkness into shining light for him.
The darkness is so hard to walk in, yet alone live in. Why do people want to stay in the dark? Is it easier in the dark?
It's hard to see what's in front of you in the dark. I experienced this once in a cave. I took a tour and while in a room they turned the light off. It was so dark I couldn't see my hand in front of my face. Is this why people choose to stay in the dark? Because if they hide in the dark, no one will see their flaws.
It's easier to hide, isn't it. Why should anyone know where you've fallen short? So much is expected of each of us, and we certainly wouldn't want to disappoint anyone. It's so much easier if no one knows my shortcomings. If I were in the light, than people would realize I'm not perfect.
The problem is though, while you've been in the dark you've turned people away. You haven't let anyone get close enough to get to know where you've messed up and fallen short. It's easier that way, isn't it? After all, no one can really see one another in the dark.
The hope to face another day, can disappear in the dark. Strange thoughts happen in the dark. Then there's a glimpse of light, not a big flame just a tiny glow from the spark of light shown. Your eye turns to it, maybe it would be better to live with this light. Anything would be better than the darkness.
You reach out and grab a hold of the light, it's no longer cold a warmth fills your soul. The things you thought were so terrible about yourself, turns out weren't so bad. The source of this light helps you, loves you unconditionally, and soon you become a new creation.
The imperfections are not so important, and so you shine with the light of Christ. God has turn your darkness into shining light for him.
Tuesday, March 20, 2012
Do You Really Hear Me?
My dear brothers, take note of this: Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry, " James 1:19 NIV
"We had pasta and sauce for dinner last night," the little girl shared.
"No, we didn't we had spaghetti for dinner last night," her brother was quick to correct her.
"Quit it you two, you're saying the same thing just listen to each other!"
Then later with my husband, "No you don't need to stay." I just finished talking about Bible study and the possibility he'd need to bring our daughter up. That's where my mind was when he asked if he'd need to stay. I mean why would he stay at a women's Bible study.
As I prepared to leave, he asked "So you'll get her from practice?"
"No you are, then you'll bring her to wherever I am."
"But then I need to stay."
"Yeah, it'd be kind of silly to drive back and turn around just to go back there."
"You said. I didn't need to stay." Ugh!
Oh, the misunderstanding that can happen just because we don't listen clearly. If I had stopped and listen to his question more clearly, or if he had paid attention as I went on to explain that men can't stay at our women's Bible study, then we would not have had to have the later conversation.
How often do we fail to listen? To hear what is clearly being said. Sometimes in the rush of things I fail to listen, or my mind wanders. I really want to listen, but something else pops into my head while I'm trying to listen.
As I was reminded later that evening, God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. It's so we can be quick to listen and slow to speak.
I hope this week I can listen and really understand what's being said, because sometimes the person talking to me just needs a listening ear not any advice.
"We had pasta and sauce for dinner last night," the little girl shared.
"No, we didn't we had spaghetti for dinner last night," her brother was quick to correct her.
"Quit it you two, you're saying the same thing just listen to each other!"
Then later with my husband, "No you don't need to stay." I just finished talking about Bible study and the possibility he'd need to bring our daughter up. That's where my mind was when he asked if he'd need to stay. I mean why would he stay at a women's Bible study.
As I prepared to leave, he asked "So you'll get her from practice?"
"No you are, then you'll bring her to wherever I am."
"But then I need to stay."
"Yeah, it'd be kind of silly to drive back and turn around just to go back there."
"You said. I didn't need to stay." Ugh!
Oh, the misunderstanding that can happen just because we don't listen clearly. If I had stopped and listen to his question more clearly, or if he had paid attention as I went on to explain that men can't stay at our women's Bible study, then we would not have had to have the later conversation.
How often do we fail to listen? To hear what is clearly being said. Sometimes in the rush of things I fail to listen, or my mind wanders. I really want to listen, but something else pops into my head while I'm trying to listen.
As I was reminded later that evening, God gave us two ears and one mouth for a reason. It's so we can be quick to listen and slow to speak.
I hope this week I can listen and really understand what's being said, because sometimes the person talking to me just needs a listening ear not any advice.
Tuesday, March 13, 2012
The Unexpected Guilt
Let us hold unswervingly to the hope we profess, for he who promised to be faithful. Hebrews 10:23 NIV
I was in for quite a shock last week. I had scheduled my MRI, and arrived at my appointment. To the sounding voice of the pleasant receptionist, "That'll be $810, please."
"Gulp, what do you mean? We always get billed later."
"You mean you weren't called." At that moment I wasn't sure what to do, I had no idea what the balance on our HSA was. Do I leave, the therapy's working maybe I don't need this. My husband griping in the background didn't help.
I took the chance that maybe the money would be available on the card, it was. So then I went through with the appointment feeling guilty for having to spend that kind of money on me. Especially after the ER visit.
I waited patiently for the results. Knowing that this was a Tuesday evening, and it took 48 hours I figured at the very least it'd be Friday. No news then, so I wait through the weekend planning to call sometime on Monday.
Luckily, though they called Monday morning of course while I'm away. The message though didn't give me the results, only that I need to make an appointment for that. So I do.
"Ok, Lord, I don't understand this but I'll go." I wasn't sure what to think, I mean if everything was fine than wouldn't they just tell me over the phone.
One person told me, "Must be bad news, good news they tell you over the phone."
Another said, "That's the way the doctor's do it now, so they can charge you again."
Not knowing what to expect, I went to my appointment. The news wasn't the best, but could have been worse. I have 6 bulging disc. Even though it wasn't the best news somehow I found relief. Because now I know I needed to keep the MRI appointment and don't feel so guilty.
God is faithful to me always, even if I don't know if I'm on the right path his hand is there to guide me.
I was in for quite a shock last week. I had scheduled my MRI, and arrived at my appointment. To the sounding voice of the pleasant receptionist, "That'll be $810, please."
"Gulp, what do you mean? We always get billed later."
"You mean you weren't called." At that moment I wasn't sure what to do, I had no idea what the balance on our HSA was. Do I leave, the therapy's working maybe I don't need this. My husband griping in the background didn't help.
I took the chance that maybe the money would be available on the card, it was. So then I went through with the appointment feeling guilty for having to spend that kind of money on me. Especially after the ER visit.
I waited patiently for the results. Knowing that this was a Tuesday evening, and it took 48 hours I figured at the very least it'd be Friday. No news then, so I wait through the weekend planning to call sometime on Monday.
Luckily, though they called Monday morning of course while I'm away. The message though didn't give me the results, only that I need to make an appointment for that. So I do.
"Ok, Lord, I don't understand this but I'll go." I wasn't sure what to think, I mean if everything was fine than wouldn't they just tell me over the phone.
One person told me, "Must be bad news, good news they tell you over the phone."
Another said, "That's the way the doctor's do it now, so they can charge you again."
Not knowing what to expect, I went to my appointment. The news wasn't the best, but could have been worse. I have 6 bulging disc. Even though it wasn't the best news somehow I found relief. Because now I know I needed to keep the MRI appointment and don't feel so guilty.
God is faithful to me always, even if I don't know if I'm on the right path his hand is there to guide me.
Tuesday, March 6, 2012
I'm Broken
Yet, O Lord, you are our Father. We are the clay, you are the potter; we are all the work of your hand.
Isaiah 64:8 NIV
The mug sat there in several pieces after its fall from the cabinet.
"Throw it out," was the first response, "it'll be to hard to fix."
The pieces though, I felt could be put back together by the right person. It sat for a couple of days, in the broken pile. Soon it was moved to a bag, that way all the pieces could stay together and out of my way.
It seemed this poor mug would end up in the trash. Before long though, the right one came for the job. He found just the right glue. He sat down and figured out where each piece fit. Some of the pieces were stubborn, the handle didn't want to stay in place even after holding it for several minutes.
When it was almost complete, it seemed a piece or two was missing. He searched the location of the fall and found them. The mug was now complete, put back together. Not quite as good as new, but the cracks now showed character. It had a story to tell whenever someone asked.
We are like this mug. We become broken, we feel like we should be thrown out with the trash. But the right one sees us and won't let that happened. We call out to the fixer, the potter.
He painstakingly molds us back together. He may have difficulty with some of our flaws, we may be stubborn and not want to change. The potter though keeps working at it until finally it sticks.
The finish product may still show the scars, the pain at times, but it's now a part of who we are- our character. We now have a story to tell. The potter came and fixed this broken piece of clay, and molded me to be the disciple I am today.
Isaiah 64:8 NIV
The mug sat there in several pieces after its fall from the cabinet.
"Throw it out," was the first response, "it'll be to hard to fix."
The pieces though, I felt could be put back together by the right person. It sat for a couple of days, in the broken pile. Soon it was moved to a bag, that way all the pieces could stay together and out of my way.
It seemed this poor mug would end up in the trash. Before long though, the right one came for the job. He found just the right glue. He sat down and figured out where each piece fit. Some of the pieces were stubborn, the handle didn't want to stay in place even after holding it for several minutes.
When it was almost complete, it seemed a piece or two was missing. He searched the location of the fall and found them. The mug was now complete, put back together. Not quite as good as new, but the cracks now showed character. It had a story to tell whenever someone asked.
We are like this mug. We become broken, we feel like we should be thrown out with the trash. But the right one sees us and won't let that happened. We call out to the fixer, the potter.
He painstakingly molds us back together. He may have difficulty with some of our flaws, we may be stubborn and not want to change. The potter though keeps working at it until finally it sticks.
The finish product may still show the scars, the pain at times, but it's now a part of who we are- our character. We now have a story to tell. The potter came and fixed this broken piece of clay, and molded me to be the disciple I am today.
Tuesday, February 28, 2012
It Stayed Red!
Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praise worthy--think about such things. Philippians 4:8 NIV
Driving my normal route and I was even making good time, when I hit traffic. It seemed strange to be so far back in line at this particular traffic light, but figured it should change momentarily. My daughter and I talked and we sat waiting.After a couple songs on the radio, we still sat.
"This is strange," I thought. "They must not be heavy enough to trigger the light." That's when the first car in line did it--they ran the red light. Several cars followed since the traffic in the other directions was clear. I don't know if the other cars followed because they trusted the light had changed and they just followed or if all of them intentionally ran the red light.
Well when I got up to my turn, I figured I'd wait because I wanted to do the right thing. Besides, I drive a 1 ton van, surely my vehicle was heavy enough to remind the light, "Hey, I need to change." The car next to me stayed also. So we sat and we sat and you guessed it we sat. The traffic cleared, and we still sat.
What were we supposed to do? I want to do the right thing, obeying the laws is the right thing. We waited through another song, plenty of time for the light to change. It didn't change, so cautiously as the traffic cleared I and the car beside me and behind me ran the red light! I didn't know what else to do, how long are you supposed to wait when the light doesn't appear to be working correctly.
I guess this where I needed to ask "What would Jesus do?" Would he have ran the red light? I don't know, since the traffic light didn't come around for 1,000s of years after he was here. I think maybe he would have helped the light change, and if it didn't gone on through.
Driving my normal route and I was even making good time, when I hit traffic. It seemed strange to be so far back in line at this particular traffic light, but figured it should change momentarily. My daughter and I talked and we sat waiting.After a couple songs on the radio, we still sat.
"This is strange," I thought. "They must not be heavy enough to trigger the light." That's when the first car in line did it--they ran the red light. Several cars followed since the traffic in the other directions was clear. I don't know if the other cars followed because they trusted the light had changed and they just followed or if all of them intentionally ran the red light.
Well when I got up to my turn, I figured I'd wait because I wanted to do the right thing. Besides, I drive a 1 ton van, surely my vehicle was heavy enough to remind the light, "Hey, I need to change." The car next to me stayed also. So we sat and we sat and you guessed it we sat. The traffic cleared, and we still sat.
What were we supposed to do? I want to do the right thing, obeying the laws is the right thing. We waited through another song, plenty of time for the light to change. It didn't change, so cautiously as the traffic cleared I and the car beside me and behind me ran the red light! I didn't know what else to do, how long are you supposed to wait when the light doesn't appear to be working correctly.
I guess this where I needed to ask "What would Jesus do?" Would he have ran the red light? I don't know, since the traffic light didn't come around for 1,000s of years after he was here. I think maybe he would have helped the light change, and if it didn't gone on through.
Tuesday, February 21, 2012
To Fall Or Not to Fall
He fulfills the desire of those fear him; he hears their cry and saves them. Psalm 145:18 NIV
My foot was stuck, I knew I was going down. In the flash of a moment my entire day changed. The things I wanted to accomplish all changed as soon as my head met up with the door frame.
When I realized I was going down, there wasn't anything I could do about it. Except pray and hope for the best. The pain that has followed has been with me now for about a week. If only I could go back and prepare myself better.
Isn't there times when we look back, and wish we could have a chance to do over. Maybe a chance not to fall or fail, a chance to get it right the first time. It's from these falls and failures though, that we learn, grow, and hopefully change the way we do things.
As I look back, I know those hard times have been the times I've reached out for God. I've learn to depend on Him, and know that I can't stay in the light without Him.
So even though sometimes my plans change, I know that God is with me and will see me through. He helped me in the ER, by miraculously getting me in a room and helping me keep my focus during the CAT scan. I wish I didn't fall, but it was during this time that I realized how much I'm loved.
My foot was stuck, I knew I was going down. In the flash of a moment my entire day changed. The things I wanted to accomplish all changed as soon as my head met up with the door frame.
When I realized I was going down, there wasn't anything I could do about it. Except pray and hope for the best. The pain that has followed has been with me now for about a week. If only I could go back and prepare myself better.
Isn't there times when we look back, and wish we could have a chance to do over. Maybe a chance not to fall or fail, a chance to get it right the first time. It's from these falls and failures though, that we learn, grow, and hopefully change the way we do things.
As I look back, I know those hard times have been the times I've reached out for God. I've learn to depend on Him, and know that I can't stay in the light without Him.
So even though sometimes my plans change, I know that God is with me and will see me through. He helped me in the ER, by miraculously getting me in a room and helping me keep my focus during the CAT scan. I wish I didn't fall, but it was during this time that I realized how much I'm loved.
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Um, Valentine's Day
Writing all those Valentine's, I couldn't wait to get to school and pass them out. Then later came the flower grams in high school, where you paid to have a flower delivered to your friend. Since my boyfriend went to another high school, I had one delivered to myself for him.
Oh the fun of Valentine's Day, it wasn't until I was all grown up that I heard the story of Saint Valentine. Anybody remember him, the day after all was named in honor of him and the day he died.
Valentine was a pastor and lived in the time of a king who decided that his men were to distracted when fighting if they were married. After all a wife and children at home are such a distraction to those fighting for the country. So this king decided to make marriage illegal.
Valentine on the other hand saw marriage as a blessing. After all, wouldn't a man fighting for his country be even better at defending it if he had a family to protect. So Valentine kept marrying people even if it meant him being arrested and put to death. Yeah, marriage between and a man and a woman was that important.
So while he was marrying a couple, he was arrested and imprisoned. Here he met the guard's daughter who was blind. She had tried all kinds of things to regain her sight, but couldn't until she believed in Jesus whom Valentine gladly told her about. Soon after her sight was restored. She was then forbidden to come and work at the jail. So Valentine sent her and many others letters of encouragement until the day he was killed. Yep, that date would be February 14th.
So Valentine's day is a little more than a sappy day to spend with your spouse. It's a day to remember someone having the courage to go against the government and do what he thought God called him too. He defended marriage and knew the importance of it.
I just hope I have the courage to do what God calls me too, even if I have to go against the crowd.
Oh the fun of Valentine's Day, it wasn't until I was all grown up that I heard the story of Saint Valentine. Anybody remember him, the day after all was named in honor of him and the day he died.
Valentine was a pastor and lived in the time of a king who decided that his men were to distracted when fighting if they were married. After all a wife and children at home are such a distraction to those fighting for the country. So this king decided to make marriage illegal.
Valentine on the other hand saw marriage as a blessing. After all, wouldn't a man fighting for his country be even better at defending it if he had a family to protect. So Valentine kept marrying people even if it meant him being arrested and put to death. Yeah, marriage between and a man and a woman was that important.
So while he was marrying a couple, he was arrested and imprisoned. Here he met the guard's daughter who was blind. She had tried all kinds of things to regain her sight, but couldn't until she believed in Jesus whom Valentine gladly told her about. Soon after her sight was restored. She was then forbidden to come and work at the jail. So Valentine sent her and many others letters of encouragement until the day he was killed. Yep, that date would be February 14th.
So Valentine's day is a little more than a sappy day to spend with your spouse. It's a day to remember someone having the courage to go against the government and do what he thought God called him too. He defended marriage and knew the importance of it.
I just hope I have the courage to do what God calls me too, even if I have to go against the crowd.
Wednesday, February 8, 2012
Rotten Wood
Looking out on the playground equipment and the fences, I could see the decaying wood. It's remarkable how long some of this wood had lasted, and yet some of the wood rots away quicker.
Why is that? It comes from the same source--a tree. It is sitting in the same yard, so it sees the same weather-sunshine and rain. It had all been pressure treated around the same time. So why the difference in how much it rotted away?
This has made me think, how different each of us are. Some of us are quicker to see our mistakes and how far away from the Lord we have come. Some of us are a little slower at realizing that the weather is effecting us. Others are in complete denial of ever doing anything wrong. And others are in complete ignorance of what they've done, and that it's causing them to decay.
Luckily though, we have a Savior who is willing to rebuild us no matter how rotted we have become. He'll come and replace the rotten wood with new wood and help us start fresh. He'll spruce us up and clean out the gunk. Rebuild your life.
Why is that? It comes from the same source--a tree. It is sitting in the same yard, so it sees the same weather-sunshine and rain. It had all been pressure treated around the same time. So why the difference in how much it rotted away?
This has made me think, how different each of us are. Some of us are quicker to see our mistakes and how far away from the Lord we have come. Some of us are a little slower at realizing that the weather is effecting us. Others are in complete denial of ever doing anything wrong. And others are in complete ignorance of what they've done, and that it's causing them to decay.
Luckily though, we have a Savior who is willing to rebuild us no matter how rotted we have become. He'll come and replace the rotten wood with new wood and help us start fresh. He'll spruce us up and clean out the gunk. Rebuild your life.
Monday, January 30, 2012
Not Always at My Best
Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well. Matthew 6:33
The mother in me showed up this week as I watched my athletic son's basketball games. You see in my heart, I know my son can do a good job and play just as well as the others. During the first game of the week, a week with four games in it, I was discouraged that my son only played a short amount of time while five other players stayed in most of the game.
It was clear to me that these five needed a break and least for a couple of minutes. It also became apparent to my husband, and we wondered out loud why wasn't the coach subbing. We went away discouraged. My husband wanted to voice his opinion to the coach. Luckily, he had to take our nephew home.
I felt bad that I didn't keep my mouth as calm as I'd like, and voice my opinions in my head. I should have prayed then, but I didn't. Anyway, I decided the best way to handle this situation was to take it up with the Lord. After all He would understand my plea. We prayed all day, and trusted that this game would be different. It was my son got to play a lot more. I went away happy.
Then the Lord sent a test, the next game our son didn't play at all. I tried harder to keep my tongue in check which I did a lot better at least for the most part. My husband though got upset again, he was ready to talk with the coach once again. This time I stopped him and reminded him of the agreement we signed, stating that we trust the coach to make the right decisions. It was not a pleasant ride home.
Again, I took my concerns to the Lord. Helped my disappointed son, and we prayed once again. The last game of the week brought about a lot of playing time for him.
So, duh, I guess the answer lies in the Lord. It's certainly tough when it's my kid that seems to be the one that gets looked over because I know how that feels. He was overlooked in the last sport he played too. Now I know there are some players that are better then him, some he plays equally well with, and some he's better than. All I want is what's best for him and what will help him grow into a fine man of God. I need to stay out of the way, and seek God first.
The mother in me showed up this week as I watched my athletic son's basketball games. You see in my heart, I know my son can do a good job and play just as well as the others. During the first game of the week, a week with four games in it, I was discouraged that my son only played a short amount of time while five other players stayed in most of the game.
It was clear to me that these five needed a break and least for a couple of minutes. It also became apparent to my husband, and we wondered out loud why wasn't the coach subbing. We went away discouraged. My husband wanted to voice his opinion to the coach. Luckily, he had to take our nephew home.
I felt bad that I didn't keep my mouth as calm as I'd like, and voice my opinions in my head. I should have prayed then, but I didn't. Anyway, I decided the best way to handle this situation was to take it up with the Lord. After all He would understand my plea. We prayed all day, and trusted that this game would be different. It was my son got to play a lot more. I went away happy.
Then the Lord sent a test, the next game our son didn't play at all. I tried harder to keep my tongue in check which I did a lot better at least for the most part. My husband though got upset again, he was ready to talk with the coach once again. This time I stopped him and reminded him of the agreement we signed, stating that we trust the coach to make the right decisions. It was not a pleasant ride home.
Again, I took my concerns to the Lord. Helped my disappointed son, and we prayed once again. The last game of the week brought about a lot of playing time for him.
So, duh, I guess the answer lies in the Lord. It's certainly tough when it's my kid that seems to be the one that gets looked over because I know how that feels. He was overlooked in the last sport he played too. Now I know there are some players that are better then him, some he plays equally well with, and some he's better than. All I want is what's best for him and what will help him grow into a fine man of God. I need to stay out of the way, and seek God first.
Monday, January 23, 2012
Judging Comes Back
"Do not judge, or you too will be judged" Matthew 7:1
A couple of weeks back, I was waiting at a traffic light. The green arrow came and there we sat, no one went. We just sat there, so of course I began to get upset. Then finally we begin to go, but I didn't make the light.
I was now first in line, so I thought "I'll make the next light no problem."
I sat there with a van full of kids awaiting my turn. This was during the time when I was fighting a cold, and my nose was running. I noticed the cars crossing the intersection in the other direction begin to turn left. I figured I have time to wipe my nose, so I proceeded to do just that.
My daughter was now preoccupied with one of the children in the back who was trying to make an escape. After I was done and my hands cleaned, I looked up to see the light for me to go just turn red! "Now how did that happen?", I wondered.
There were two of us and neither of us saw the light change. The cars behind me didn't honk until it was to late and then one of them pulled beside me attempting to give me a dirty look and probably some other gestures, and how could we all have to sit through an entire light cycle again.
At this moment I realized I was just taught a lesson, the car that didn't go probably had a very good reason for not going. I had no right to judge the driver, things obviously happen and it wasn't done with a mean intent. Just as the other driver had no right to judge me, even though he made his anger known once the light turned green again. He sped up just so he could cut me off while he made a right hand turn in front of me.
We are all just human, we aren't perfect. Thankfully, there is one who is perfect and paid the price of his life so when we do make a mistake we can be forgiven. He's there to put us back on track when we mess up. I am glad I serve a risen Savior!
A couple of weeks back, I was waiting at a traffic light. The green arrow came and there we sat, no one went. We just sat there, so of course I began to get upset. Then finally we begin to go, but I didn't make the light.
I was now first in line, so I thought "I'll make the next light no problem."
I sat there with a van full of kids awaiting my turn. This was during the time when I was fighting a cold, and my nose was running. I noticed the cars crossing the intersection in the other direction begin to turn left. I figured I have time to wipe my nose, so I proceeded to do just that.
My daughter was now preoccupied with one of the children in the back who was trying to make an escape. After I was done and my hands cleaned, I looked up to see the light for me to go just turn red! "Now how did that happen?", I wondered.
There were two of us and neither of us saw the light change. The cars behind me didn't honk until it was to late and then one of them pulled beside me attempting to give me a dirty look and probably some other gestures, and how could we all have to sit through an entire light cycle again.
At this moment I realized I was just taught a lesson, the car that didn't go probably had a very good reason for not going. I had no right to judge the driver, things obviously happen and it wasn't done with a mean intent. Just as the other driver had no right to judge me, even though he made his anger known once the light turned green again. He sped up just so he could cut me off while he made a right hand turn in front of me.
We are all just human, we aren't perfect. Thankfully, there is one who is perfect and paid the price of his life so when we do make a mistake we can be forgiven. He's there to put us back on track when we mess up. I am glad I serve a risen Savior!
Monday, January 16, 2012
20,000 Gathered in the Light
"The light shines in the darkness, but the darkness has not understood it." John 1:5 NIV
"Hey, what's going on? Why are all these people here?", a woman who was driving by the Forum asked.
"It's a rock concert," someone in line answered her.
"A rock concert, who?" she replied.
"It's ten bands, Christian bands." came the answer.
She didn't know how to answer, but I believe she was impressed. After all 20,000 plus people stood around the forum just waiting to be let in. How can you bet the price $10 for 10 bands? It was awesome to be there with all ages of people who all came for some reason.
For us it was to be able to hear the different groups we have come to enjoy. Others it was a way to get out of the house for the evening. Some had no idea why they came, just sounded like a good deal.
A friend of ours decided to join us, and came a little later. We saved her a seat. She called to let us know that they stopped letting people in. She didn't know what to do, but God did. Someone walked by and she told him we were saving her a seat. He asked her if it was just her, she said yes. The next thing she knows she's escorted past the 1,000s of others who were waiting to get in and she entered the forum. God knew she needed to be there.
The evening was filled with music and the sharing of God's word to some who have never heard it. There was even crazy stunts done which even had a message. We are chained by our sin and weighed down, some even drowning in the mistakes they made. Christ he came, freed us from all of it-just trust in him and he will remove the chains and pull us up out of the pit.
Darkness can come into each of our lives at any time. God is there shining in the darkness, waiting to escort us out. He is my light and with Him I'm able to accomplish so much more.
"Hey, what's going on? Why are all these people here?", a woman who was driving by the Forum asked.
"It's a rock concert," someone in line answered her.
"A rock concert, who?" she replied.
"It's ten bands, Christian bands." came the answer.
She didn't know how to answer, but I believe she was impressed. After all 20,000 plus people stood around the forum just waiting to be let in. How can you bet the price $10 for 10 bands? It was awesome to be there with all ages of people who all came for some reason.
For us it was to be able to hear the different groups we have come to enjoy. Others it was a way to get out of the house for the evening. Some had no idea why they came, just sounded like a good deal.
A friend of ours decided to join us, and came a little later. We saved her a seat. She called to let us know that they stopped letting people in. She didn't know what to do, but God did. Someone walked by and she told him we were saving her a seat. He asked her if it was just her, she said yes. The next thing she knows she's escorted past the 1,000s of others who were waiting to get in and she entered the forum. God knew she needed to be there.
The evening was filled with music and the sharing of God's word to some who have never heard it. There was even crazy stunts done which even had a message. We are chained by our sin and weighed down, some even drowning in the mistakes they made. Christ he came, freed us from all of it-just trust in him and he will remove the chains and pull us up out of the pit.
Darkness can come into each of our lives at any time. God is there shining in the darkness, waiting to escort us out. He is my light and with Him I'm able to accomplish so much more.
Tuesday, January 10, 2012
Grateful, but Tired
I needed clothes an you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. Matthew 25:36 NIV
"I can't breathe," gasp "out my nose," I shared with my family on the ride home from church on Sunday, I found myself congested. It all began on Friday with a sore throat which turned into a full blown cold. Sunday and Monday I was chasing my nose, or at least running for the tissues. I barely had any energy, and yet I am grateful.
I am so grateful to have an occasional cold or stomach bug. It's better than having a disease I could have to deal with on a daily basis. I have heard of so many this past year who have had to deal with cancer. I pray for them and try to find out if there is something I can do for them.
Also, there is someone in my family who has dealt with a disease that the doctors can't seem to cure. I feel so bad for her as she has been in and out of the hospital. She pretty much has to stay home when she's not in the hospital. I wish she lived closer so I could help her out some how. Since I can't be there I pray for her and try to get others too as well. Hopefully one day soon she will be healed.
So yes, I am grateful that for the most part I'm healthy and able to do the things God has planned for me. I'm grateful that I can serve others in their time of need. I'm grateful for a God who loves me.
"I can't breathe," gasp "out my nose," I shared with my family on the ride home from church on Sunday, I found myself congested. It all began on Friday with a sore throat which turned into a full blown cold. Sunday and Monday I was chasing my nose, or at least running for the tissues. I barely had any energy, and yet I am grateful.
I am so grateful to have an occasional cold or stomach bug. It's better than having a disease I could have to deal with on a daily basis. I have heard of so many this past year who have had to deal with cancer. I pray for them and try to find out if there is something I can do for them.
Also, there is someone in my family who has dealt with a disease that the doctors can't seem to cure. I feel so bad for her as she has been in and out of the hospital. She pretty much has to stay home when she's not in the hospital. I wish she lived closer so I could help her out some how. Since I can't be there I pray for her and try to get others too as well. Hopefully one day soon she will be healed.
So yes, I am grateful that for the most part I'm healthy and able to do the things God has planned for me. I'm grateful that I can serve others in their time of need. I'm grateful for a God who loves me.
Monday, January 2, 2012
A Little Behind, But Hadn't Forgotten
Through these he has given us his very great and precious promises, so that through them you may participate in the divine nature and escape the corruption of the world caused by evil desires.
2 Peter 1:4 NIV
Oh, the joy to escape. That's what we did the last few days of the year-escape.
We took our annual journey to Highlands Hammock. It is so nice to go there and just enjoy nature without the street lights and buildings. This year we even enjoyed a journey into the park we don't usually visit because it's restricted. The ranger took us through the back of the park and taught us different things.
Our December ends up being so busy with finishing Christmas presents or shopping for Christmas presents. Then comes the wrapping and the decorating. Also, being involved in God's work takes its toll with extra services and all. Sometimes it's as though every free moment I usually have is filled with a project that needs to be done. This is why it's nice to take a break as a family and relax. Even though since we've been home I've been busy, busy, busy.
With all of this, it can become hard to keep my focus on what's important-GOD. Luckily, though I have a constant conversation with him. Not like the monks who are in constant prayer recitation every waking moment. My conversations are quick and not recited "Lord, help me finish.", "Lord, help me plan my schedule so I can get it all done and not stay up to late."
Another thing that helps me keep my focus on him, is playing Christian music whether it's Christmas music or my favorite Christian songs. There is always a song going through my head.
So even though the last month has been crazy and at times challenging, I tried to keep my eye on the reason for the season. Now I'm looking forward to the blessings He has in store for me in 2012.
2 Peter 1:4 NIV
Oh, the joy to escape. That's what we did the last few days of the year-escape.
We took our annual journey to Highlands Hammock. It is so nice to go there and just enjoy nature without the street lights and buildings. This year we even enjoyed a journey into the park we don't usually visit because it's restricted. The ranger took us through the back of the park and taught us different things.
Our December ends up being so busy with finishing Christmas presents or shopping for Christmas presents. Then comes the wrapping and the decorating. Also, being involved in God's work takes its toll with extra services and all. Sometimes it's as though every free moment I usually have is filled with a project that needs to be done. This is why it's nice to take a break as a family and relax. Even though since we've been home I've been busy, busy, busy.
With all of this, it can become hard to keep my focus on what's important-GOD. Luckily, though I have a constant conversation with him. Not like the monks who are in constant prayer recitation every waking moment. My conversations are quick and not recited "Lord, help me finish.", "Lord, help me plan my schedule so I can get it all done and not stay up to late."
Another thing that helps me keep my focus on him, is playing Christian music whether it's Christmas music or my favorite Christian songs. There is always a song going through my head.
So even though the last month has been crazy and at times challenging, I tried to keep my eye on the reason for the season. Now I'm looking forward to the blessings He has in store for me in 2012.
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