Monday, October 31, 2011

My Life Changed for the Better

Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make your paths straight. Proverbs 3:5-6

The sanctuary was empty and I was in the back. A song went through my head, a song that spoke to my heart and let me know that I needed a Savior. It was in the back of this little church that I accepted Jesus as my Savior.

I can't exactly remember the song, and I don't know the date. I do know the place and can still picture it today. I was just entering my teen years, and it was the Lord who helped me not to get into to much trouble.

Unfortunately, though I did not completely trust the Lord with everything. For some reason I figured God and money didn't mix--crazy I know. So for years, I lived the way the world did with my money. I spent it on things before paying the bills. I maxed out credit cards, and almost lost our home.

After my daughter was born, the day came when we were served. Our home was about to be foreclosed on. It was on this day when I completely surrendered. I gave the Lord all of my problems, and left it all at the cross. This was the day my life changed for the better.

The Lord sent us the answer to save our home, and we worked hard to stick to his plan. I have occasionally wondered back to the old ways, but soon realize it and get back on the right path. That's the best thing about God, he continually forgives every time I ask.

I am far from perfect. I make mistakes. I try to follow the Lord's plans for me as best I can, so when I don't take part in something the "world" does. Don't look down on me.

I am a new creation and everyday I try to walk in His light.

Monday, October 24, 2011


God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in spirit and truth. John 4:24

Have you ever been somewhere and felt like you've done this before? That's what happen to me Saturday night as we were singing praise songs.

We attended a Emmaus Gathering, where we ate to much, and we praised the Lord together. The band had added a member to their group for the night, and she introduced the songs. She also played and sang. This special lady used to lead a group my husband was a part of about 10 to 14 years ago.

As she sang and played, it brought me back to a special time. Our church at the time had a Sunday evening service called the Dove's Nest. We went because they played newer Christian songs and my husband could participate in it. It was a wonderful service.

This is probably where I personally experienced a lot of spiritual growth, and made some life long friends. It was an informal service, and we were free to ask the pastor questions. This setting made it comfortable and freeing.

Saturday evening was just a reminder of where I had been, and how much I've grown and continue to grow in my walk with Christ. It was nice to worship with these special friends, and her now grown daughter who was in the band with her husband. It was also great to be there with my family, and the new friends I have recently made.

The time and place may have changed, but the Holy Spirit was there as we worshipped God in truth and love.

Thanks Lord for bringing be back to a wonderful memory.

Monday, October 17, 2011

He Never Ceases to Amaze Me

The disciples were amazed at his words...The disciples were even more amazed... Mark 10: 24a & 26a NIV

Just when I think I am to just be satisifed with the way things are, and to learn to live on what we have. He amazes me. His timing is always perfect.

On Saturday, I received a call from a family with children I used to keep. The mom wanted to know if I could do drop in since her husband schedule will not be set. I said "sure", and he began today. Now I thought it would turn out to be just one day this week, and so far it's three.

The other amazing part is, it couldn't have come at a better time. Around the middle of the month is the hardest for us because our insurance payment comes out automatically. As we know auto insurance isn't cheap, anyway I didn't know how we could make it through until Thursday the next pay day, and now I know. The Lord has sent us a way to earn the income.

His timing is perfect!

Monday, October 10, 2011

Bravery in the Light

When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him... Luke 24:30-31a NIV

The day that I left was filled with unplanned events. A visit from the inspector, limited time, and high spirited children. When I finally was able to step into the camp, I was much relieved.

This weekend I served on a Walk to Emmaus weekend. A weekend that I decided to take a part of with somewhat selfish reasons. I needed to have my cup refilled. I've come away with it partially refilled, but I now have the knowledge to help continue to get it completely filled .

I was able to feel God's agape (unconditional) love for me this weekend. His hands and feet were shown to me numerous times. A new friend offered to get my luggage, since I would be arriving a little late. She not only brought my luggage to the camp, but made my bed!

The weekend also brought rain, mostly the last day. During my rush to get ready, I never even thought to grab my umbrella. I did have a jacket. Many times though someone offered to hold their umbrella over me.

My food was served to me for a change, and the beautiful dinner we had one night showed each of us how special we are. Different people volunteered to cook the meals for this three day walk, and others volunteered to serve it to us. I have had my fill of desserts, and let me say they weren't skimpy on the serving sizes. I'm lucky my clothes still fit!

This weekend served as a reminder to me that I need to be God's hands and feet. Also that I'm not alone in my Christian journey. I discovered just a small percentage of how many Christians are in my community arranging in a variety of ages and races.

I've also been reminded that I'm on the right journey, and that I need to stay in touch with Him to keep checking on my journey.

It was a joy to serve my Lord, as he fed me. New friends were made and lives were changed. I have the strength to once again to bravely walk in the light.

Monday, October 3, 2011

God Lights the Path

His mercy extends to those who fear him, from generation to generation. Luke 1:50

God has been gracious to us, and taught me new lessons. God never ceases to amaze me.

As everything has begun to run out, somehow I find just enough of it to get us through. One of these things was ketchup, apparently I stocked up during a buy one get one free sale. I just didn't realize how much we had. I kept thinking we were using the last bottle and I'd be getting something else and find another bottle. It was as if they multiplied.

In fact just today, I found some allergy medicine that I didn't think I had anymore. Just last week my husband located more sinus medicine just when I took the last of it. This has happened over and over again. God has shown us His mercy.

A lesson I have learned is that we don't need all the convience food that I usually buy. I don't buy a lot of it anyway, but fries and frozen pizza are really convient. A bag of potatoes is a lot cheaper and it doesn't take to long to slice them for fries. This week I made pizza, since the recipe was for two pizzas, our pizza is already made and frozen for Friday. Hopefully, as I can now buy more than $30-50 worth of groceries at a time, I will remember and not go back to what's easier.

Life has been hard, but God's light has gotten me through and continues to light the path I'm walking on.