Friday, January 26, 2018

$2500, That's a Lot

Be shepherds of God's flock that is under your care, serving as overseers--not because you must, but because you are willing, as God wants you to be; not greedy for money, but eager to serve; not lording it over those entrusted to you, but being examples to the flock. 1 Peter 5:2-3 NIV

"Here it comes again," I think every time the sad music begins and the poor dirty animals start scrolling across the TV. Or maybe it's the commercial with the special needs children or the one with the children who are fighting cancer. They each tug at my heart (especially the one that shows the Teddy Bear blanket that I can get if I donate $19 per month).

How much are you willing to spend on something? About a year ago I was researching car seats because it was time to replace the ones I owned, I was flabbergasted by the price of one, $700. As I was looking at it and the one I ended up buying for $50, I really didn't notice any significant differences. Why would one being willing to spend the much money on a car seat?

Presents are another place people differ on how much to spend. Usually, I try to see how much money I have saved and figure it out from there. Some years I can spend more on people and some years a lot less. Some of us try to spend more every year because we don't want to disappoint anyone, especially our children.

Each year I am amazed at the price people are willing to pay to go to a sports championship game. This year ticket prices range between $2500 and $3000 for a seat at the Superbowl. When I think about how much that would benefit some organization, it really dumbfounds me. There are some places teetering on being absolutely broke and yet people think about them and a game-where one team will win and one team will lose.

Truth be told, I do save up our money for a vacation. Sure my money could go to one of those heart wrenching organizations or maybe I could give more to the church, but I do spend it on us and a week away from the normal hub bub.

I am willing to give what God has placed in my heart to give. Sometimes it feels like all my extra money goes to helping out at our church. I believe we aren't being greedy when we spend a little on ourselves, just as long as our willing to give and serve where our hearts desire.

Friday, January 19, 2018

Trust Enough

He answered their prayers, because they trusted in him. 1 Chronicles 5:20b

"Do I trust enough?" I sometimes wonder, especially when things don't seem to be happening in my timing.

Funny, how stressful life can get.

During the summer God blessed us with a new camper, of course for us this means monthly payments. We already had payments for the camper before. But in my mind we were able to do this because something I thought might happen wasn't going to happen. But it did happen and my day care plummeted to three.

Which made for a crazy few months for us. This involved a decrease in our income, but we managed. We had to eliminate extras and cut down on a few things while we waited. I trusted God had a plan and if He lead us to it, He certainly would get us through it.

During this time I tried to be faithful, I did what I thought God asked of me and yet things weren't happening the way I wanted them too. Still things were happening.

I had an interview for a new day care child and felt really hopeful. But after a few weeks without hearing anything back I thought maybe they had decided on somewhere else. God in the mean time brought back one child which was very helpful. Christmas has a way of draining the bank account, so this was a blessing especially when the van broke down.

Then when I least expected it, the family calls and I did get the new day care child! Then with her starting all of a sudden more phone calls (because of her mom sharing) and inquiries, and another child starts next week. Then with another message, another new child might start and I have a waiting list.

This entire time I had been asking my prayer warriors to pray for new day care kids and I trusted that God would work it all out. As usual He has done more than I expected.

But I am still wondering something, do the people at our church trust enough? I am trying not to get discouraged because I see God working in BIG ways, but for some reason He hasn't quite worked in BIG ways with the finances. There have been a few surprises for which we are grateful, but it isn't quite enough yet. I have done the things I believed He led me to do and yet they aren't really adding much income either.

I am wondering, does the whole church need to trust God completely before He can move in BIG ways? Do we as a community of believers all need to trust, then God can answer our prayer?

I believe He can do it, I just hope everyone else trust in Him as well.