Thursday, March 2, 2017


So God created mankind in his own image, in the image of God he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27 NIV

Have you ever just sat and people watched? I'll admit it, I have. I mean what else am I supposed to do while I wait for my family to finish riding a roller coaster. There is quite a crowd waiting around these rides, so I'm not the only one.

Humans are interesting. We come in all different shapes and sizes. We come in an array of colors. We each have our own distinctive look, even if someone looks like us there is still a different look about each of us.

We were also created to be able to think, to reason, and to choose. Face it everyday we get up with choices to make: What will I wear? Do I have time for a shower? What should I eat for breakfast? Do I have time to pray or why even bother it doesn't do any good anyway?

My choice is to have an authentic relationship with my Lord! He has been there for me even before I was placed in my mother's womb. He knew who my parents should be. He knew when I should be born, even if my mom and dad weren't quite ready. He knew which schools I should attend. He placed me in the right church at the right time, so I could hear his message of love and forgiveness. He help me realize that I have to choose to have a relationship with Him. There was nobody else who could make this choice for me.

I chose to follow Him and make Him my Savior in the back of that small church. I can remember the exact location. The sun was shining in the big front windows. The church was empty. As I stood there I claimed His name as my name, and I KNOW He's made a difference in my life.

So humans, each of you have a choice to make as well. My hope is that you have already chosen to follow the ONE who created you. He can and will make a difference in your life just trust Him to work through your life. Think about it this way, How is everything working out for you without choosing Him? Do you have a peace and a comfort knowing that no matter what happens God's got this? Maybe it's time...

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