Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Everything is Beautiful

He has made everything beautiful in his time. Ecclesiastes 3:11a

Some mornings when I get up and see myself in the mirror, I wonder "what happened?" I mean my hair is all over, druel is stuck to my face, and sometimes there is crusties in my eyes. How in the world am I even suppose to think I'm beautiful yet alone pretty?

God began our world by creating light-the sun, the moon, and stars. One of the most beautiful sights is watching the sunset. I've had the pleasure of sitting at the beach as the sun kisses the water. The beautiful colors of orange and yellow spread through the sky as the sun says "Good Night."

Then God gave us the sky. The sky some days is my favorite shade of blue. It's enjoyable to just sit and watch the white puffy clouds go by. Sometimes they even form shapes, and as soon as you figure out what it is; it changes. The night sky can be just as pretty; when away from the lights of the city. The sky is filled with stars. It's hard to even count how many stars fill the sky. The moon is amazing too when it shines down on me peeking through my blind.

Next God made the land and vegetation. Have you ever had a chance to voyage to the top of a mountain and just stand there gazing out at the wonder of it all? One of my favorite spots to visit is the mountains. It never ceases to amaze me how far I can see when on top of a mountain. The trees, the cleared land, the flowers are all so beautiful and peaceful. God's hand at work.

After this God created animals, birds, and sea life. He filled up his wonderful land with creatures to enjoy it. Once when I was camping as a young girl, I had a chance to sit and wait to see what creatures I could see. Finally, they came. I got to look across a field with binoculars and see a family of deer. They were beautiful and well worth the wait.

Then God made it most unique creation-man and woman made in the image of Him. He made us to look like Him. Nothing else He made was as unique as us. He formed Adam and then Eve with His hands. He still forms each of us when we are in our mother's womb. He takes the time to create each of us. Now if God can make this world beautiful then how much more beautiful can He make each of us- freckles and all.

God sees you as good, He made you beautiful. So the next time I wake up in a shambles, I just need to remind myself "God made me, and God doesn't make any junk. I am beautiful and wonderfully made." The same can be said of you.

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