"This is gooder, I love this." One of the kids in the day care said while eating his macaroni and cheese. Instead of elbow macaroni I had Penne noodles.
Funny how a little change could make his day gooder.
Sometimes I forget to look for the gooder things. I can get so easily entangled in what I don't have or what I'm not able to do instead of looking at the big picture.
I can get hung up on the new furniture that someone was able to purchase or the lunch dates that people get to have. I especially can get stuck on when someone is able to do something that I so desperately wanted to do. Life at these times certainly doesn't feel gooder. In fact, it feels unfair.
Then somehow I get reminded that my life is gooder. I have a home with furniture or occasionally, I go on lunch dates sure it's to McDonald's and with day care kids but I'm eating out. Soon I realize that one day I will be able to accomplish what I would like to do as long as it's in God's plans.
Or I get reminded that life is gooder because the store was out of elbow macaroni and we can have special mac and cheese with Penne noodles.
Life is indeed gooder because Jesus is my Lord and Savior and with him I can accomplish so much more even if I only have a little.
Thanks for this gentle, "gooder" reminder, Diana. I love how when our eyes are open to God's blessings, we discover they are most definitely EVERYWHERE!.