Complaining is not my thing, not usually. The past six weeks though have not exactly been fun.
Back in 2010 I fell, I didn't think much of it at the time after all I had fallen before. A month later I began to fell pain in my hip and sometimes I would get a tingly feeling down my leg. Worry filled me as I wondered what was going on, would I lose the ability to walk? Finally, the pain got intense enough for me to visit the doctor.
Turns out it was sciatica and after a month of physical therapy I was as good as new. Well most of the time. When the pain got bad again I began to do some of the moves the therapist had me do and the pain would subside.
2012 comes and I fell again, this time a trip to ER was needed since I saw stars. I thought when they drew stars in cartoons it was just to show they were in pain, I didn't realize that when you hit your head hard enough the stars appeared, so pretty.

This time I slipped three disk in my neck and three in my lower back. I went to physical therapy again, and once again I was as good as new. The pain would appear again from time to time, but usually a day or two of doing what they taught the pain would go away.
Now I have pain without having fallen and I can't seem to get it to go away. Sure it's not constant, but there is a dull ache. Daily I am following the exercise routines, applying heat and ice several times a day. The heat/ice patch has become my friend.
Saturday when seeing some friends whose children just graduated, I found out the mom is a lot worse off than me. She is in a wheelchair because her back pain is so severe she can't stand or walk for long. Also found out she's having surgery on Friday.
So I know there are people worse off than me. Some are constantly fighting illness or chronic pain. One thing I know though is that God is always there loving me. No matter how my body feels or any craziness going on. His love is constant.
His love will help me get through this no matter how long it lasts.
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