Tuesday, February 14, 2017

What Do You See?

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not look at his appearance or at the height of his stature, because I have rejected him. For the Lord sees not as man sees; for man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7 AMP

"Oh, look a car."

"Uh, a truck."

I hear over and over as we're walking to the school from the two-year-old I care for. He just loves vehicles, so as he sees them I say, "Yes, there's a red car," or "Yep, that's a black truck." It's very common for me to look at a vehicle and notice the color first. Maybe it's because I am a teacher and I want the kids to learn their colors or maybe it's just what I do. I do the same thing with animals, "oh look there's a brown dog or a black and white cat."

My husband and son will usually look at a vehicle and know what type it is, the year it was made, and then carry on a conversation about that particular vehicle and how much they like it. It is what they notice.

A lot of times when I first see people I recognize their color. It's not because I'm racist, it's just how my brain works. I don't turn away, I just acknowledge the way God made them. After all we were all made in His image. "So God created man in His own image, in the image and likeness of God He created him; male and female He created them." Genesis 1:27 AMP

I'll admit there have been times when I've first seen someone and I just get this unsafe feeling about him. I know I shouldn't judge him, but I felt uneasy. Maybe God was giving me a sense that this person was unsafe to be around. I can remember at least a couple times having this feeling. The first man I felt unsafe around ended up pulling a gun out on the church property. Luckily, it wasn't when anyone was there so no one got hurt. The second man I felt unsafe around ended up calling us and left threatening messages. Luckily, we were safe that time too.

Every time I see someone, I try not to judge him/her by the way he/she looks. I admit I'm a bit shy, so I don't usually run up to him/her with open arms but I do try to be nice. In America, we have a hodge podge of people. People of every race and nationality.  So please forgive me if I notice your color first, trust me though when I say I try to look past that and look at your character because the heart is what really matters. I try to see someone as God sees him/her. My hope is we can all do the same.

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