Friday, May 13, 2016

Admission For Church

Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Psalm 100:2 NIV

The other day a strange thought crossed by mind. Maybe it's because we have been trying to figure out why church attendance keeps dropping. It seems that meeting at church to worship with other believers is just not high on every one's priority list. Anyway a thought occurred to me, "maybe we should charge for worship."

It seems we are willing to pay for things that are important to us. We pay for our kids activities, our activities, professional sporting games, movies, amusement parks, so hey why not start paying to come and worship the Lord.

I believe attendance would certainly be better. Once you've paid for the something you're going to go because it's not like you're going to lose money by not attending.

The thing is though would you come to church worshiping the Lord with gladness or would you come demanding things be a certain way, after all you paid for it. Once the money's been spent you hope to get your money's worth.

Truth is the price has already been paid.

Once upon a time there was a child born of a virgin. He grew up and taught, healed, and prayed. He knew what his mission was, He really didn't want to go through with it, after all the cost would be high. Still He faced what he must do.

He was beaten, blood poured from his body for us. He was nailed to a cross and died there in excruciating pain. His last breath was with thoughts of us, "Father forgive them they know not what they do."

But this was not the end. On the third day He rose from death. He conquered eternal death so we could have eternal rest.

Isn't that price worth it? Isn't spending one hour out of one hundred sixty-eight out of a week worth the sacrifice? Don't let the what He did be wasted.

Spend sometime this week worshiping the Lord, all those other things don't mean much when it comes to eternal peace.

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