Thursday, February 18, 2016

Not The Best Picture

"For I know the plans for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and  not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11 NIV

"This is not the way I pictured it," rings through our heads time and time again.

Back in high school I dreamed about the future: the man I'd marry, the children I'd have, and even the home where I would live. Even further back in middle school, my friends and I would draw out floor plans of our homes. How big our dreams were?

Now as I live my life, it's not exactly as I pictured it. At one point I imagined living in the mountains where my grandparents had a chalet, it was so peaceful there. Instead I live in flat lands where heat seems to be the norm. Our home is modest nothing extraordinary, but I love it. Not exactly the way I pictured it, but it's home.

My family isn't exactly the way I imagined it to be either. There isn't always peace in our home, sometimes there is chaos and strife. My perfect children born in the order I pretended was far from the reality I received. At one point I even thought my dreams were shattered. After 10 weeks of pregnancy, I lost our first child. My heart was broken, would I ever to be able to have children? Thankfully, this was not the case. I'm grateful for my three not-so-perfect children.

My career isn't exactly the way I thought it would be either. I wanted to be an elementary school teacher. A preschool teacher, a teacher of God's love, and a homeschool teacher not exactly the way I pictured it, but exactly where I am supposed to be.

Sure as we enter into the grown up world we all have a big picture; a way of life the way we want it to be. The better picture would be trusting in God in the way He wants it to be. Maybe to you it's not the best picture, but to Him it's picture perfect.

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