As Saturday approaches my stomach is doing a little dance. Over it turns and then tightens up; does a little Fox Trot and soon an all out clog routine.
This has happened before. Several years ago, God called me into Children's Ministries. I graciously accepted and soon realized that I would be planning Vacation Bible School (VBS). This is a huge under taking, especially following a talented lady who had been very successful at it.
I read everything, I asked her a million questions, and thought I was ready. The big day arrived and the stomach dance began. Not only did my stomach dance, but my heart and breathing wanted to join in too. All the what ifs began...What if no kids come? What if my leaders and guides don't show up? What if I fail?
I am happy to report everything went well! I have directed many VBS's since, so many I'm not sure I could even count. Funny, how after I went to another church I was the one who was called upon several times as the new VBS director took over.
The beginning of the year an idea sprang into my mind. Let's have a barbecue cook off. I prayed to make sure this idea came from God, and then shared it with the other parents as an idea for a camp fund raiser. They were excited too.
So the planning began. I read what I could online. We figured out rules for our contestants. We decided for fun to add game booths and make it an all out block party. Advertisements have gone out, tickets were printed, and the excitement has been building.
This Saturday is the big day. I am, need I say, just a little worried. The what ifs are once again rolling through my head and my stomach has begun to dance again. I know we are told not to worry God's got this. Sometimes though it's just so hard when a lot is riding on my shoulders.
Already two contestants have backed out, so now I wonder will we have enough food? Not everyone has volunteered to bring side dishes. People are slow to commit to a booth. Unexpected illnesses have popped up.
So continually I pray. I pray that God has this day, and it will be a great one. I pray for enough food and enough volunteers to help out. I pray for enough people to come and have a great time with us.
I will trust in His promise that when I commit this to Him, our plans will succeed.