Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20
From the moment I saw them, I wondered what they were up to. It is not unusual when we go downtown to see different people on the corner holding signs about what they stand for. Usually, I can walk on by them which is good because I usually have children with me.
This particular Saturday though it was just my husband and me. As we began our walk to where we were heading I hear a lady asking others, "Do you know Jesus?" I thought, "I sure do." So I was prepared if she or anyone else asked me. Because she wasn't alone. There was a problem though, even if the person she asked said, "Thank you, I'm good." She would continue to walk with who she asked for about 50 feet handing papers, hounding this person, and to me that's a problem.
We made it past the first group and then arrived at the corner where we needed to cross the street. We saw a man in the center, he was different. He had a microphone and was preaching to those going by. Every scripture he read, I knew. Then there was the man with the sign "Repent and Believe." He immediately began, "Do you know Jesus?"
"Yes, I'm good."
Then he began to walk with and keep hounding us, where my husband shared, "Listen, I am a pastor."
"Why are you against us then?"
Against them, we weren't against them just the way they were going about sharing Jesus. Hounding and being right there in people's personal space is not exactly the way God wants us to make disciples. Not sure how many are really saved by their approach.
The couple who was joining us, who already believe just prayed the prayer again to not be harassed. How many others did the same?
How do we make disciples?
By how we live, living in such a way that other's crave to know what makes you different. Sharing God's love with others by making friends and being their friend. Sharing your story of how Jesus has changed your life.
God wants each of us to know He sent His son, He died for each of us for all of our mistakes, and He rose again. If we believe, ask forgiveness, and ask Jesus to be with us then we can be saved.
Pretty sure those on the corner yelling and hounding "Repent & Believe", need a better way to share God's love.
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