Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Do They Know You're A Christian?

 Do not judge, and you will be judged. Do not condemn, and you will not be condemned. Forgive, and you will be forgiven. Luke 6:37

I don't know about you, but I will be relieved once November 3rd passes. Social media maybe a little more pleasant to look at and read through. Sure November 4th will not be a fun day to look at social media because someone will not be satisfied with whoever wins.

One person on my friends list claims to be a Christian, but his posts do not reflect that. Basically he has said if I choose to vote for a certain candidate then I should unfriend him. He says that we aren't a Christian if we vote a certain way and he wants no part of that negativity. I understand that thinking, but I won't condemn another person for not voting the way I think they should. That's part of our free will whether I choose who he's voting for or I vote for the other candidate it's my choice not his.

My hope that before anyone votes, he or she researches what each candidate believes in. I also hope he/she will pray and listen to his/her heart. If you have done that then I believe God will lead you to the right choice. I will not condemn you for choosing whoever you choose after voting where you heart leads you. I hope that the same is done for me.

Another problem I think we have with anyone in a political position or even star status is we expect perfection. It's like since they are now in the limelight this person suddenly is put on a pedestal and if he/she make a mistake then we better let them know it. You do realize that not one of us is perfect and in need of a Savior.

I don't know about you, but when I make a mistake I don't desire for anyone to keep bringing it up and talking about wherever I go. This is what forgiveness is. Unfortunately,  we now live in a society where when someone doesn't say or do something the way we expected then we need to let them know it right away. I can be guilty of this, I often wonder why my husband doesn't say or do something the way I expected and I might let him know all about it even if I try to keep it to myself. 

As a Christian we are to be learning to be more like Jesus. As Christians we are to live as an example of Christ. We should live each day fully making it count for God. We should not hold onto to our stuff so tightly that we aren't willing to share our blessings. Treasure people, we are each made in his image each one of us is precious no matter our status in life. Don't judge others, show them love. Don't carry baggage from past hurts leave those grudges behind, after all it doesn't bring you joy, does it? Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus and on the finish line of entering heaven.

If we each live our life as Jesus did, maybe just maybe we can live a more peaceful life.

Thursday, August 13, 2020

If Only...

 If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

Were you touched when you saw people along with law enforcement on their knees praying? I know I was. In order to have peace we need to call on God's name and pray. In the praying, we will turn from our wicked ways and humble ourselves.

I recently read an interesting story in "Start with Amen" by Beth Gukenberger. She was living in Mexico where 1782 people had been killed during the drug war. People were afraid to go out at night. A couple months ago, we were afraid to go out at night. One night a lot of vandalism occurred.  Even a trip to go to Bible study seemed frightening.

Salatali, a pastor friend of Beth's, had a dream. He was on a patio surrounded by police officers on their knees praying. So he can began praying for the local police officers. One Sunday a group of men showed up at his church, one of those men was the new director of the Guadalupe police. The other police chief had been murdered the month before. Eventually Salatali began asking if he could visit the headquarters.

The chief finally invited the pastor to share for ten minutes on a Saturday at 6:30 AM. When he arrived he walked through the patio that had been in his dream. He shared every Saturday for the next three months when God spoke to him and told him to start worship. He questioned God, but he brought along a guitar playing worship leader who would then sing in front for a couple of minutes. 

The chief was encouraged and asked Salatali to come every day and teach a class on leadership. God gave the police force victory in the war against the drug cartels. For 28 days not one officer's life was lost!

When a group of people come together for a common goal and they leave room for the Holy Spirit to move, the results are miraculous. Salatali was able to get help from other faith leaders in the community, they spoke the truth to love the police force in their community. The crime rate dropped in Guadalupe, the arrest rates rose, pastors served police families, and people were able to once again go out at night.  

The mayor wanted to give Salatali recognition by giving him the key to the city. Salatali said, "Sir, if you are looking for who deserves the credit for what's happening in our city, it's Jesus. If anyone deserves those keys, it's him." On December 8, 2012, the mayor of Guadalupe did indeed give the key of the city to Jesus.

Can you imagine what are cities would be like if we were to fall on our knees and pray? What if our cities were turned over to Jesus? Then after hearing from God we were obedient to do what He asks of us. Maybe some of us would be called to go to the police station, hospitals, fire stations, or wherever to simply share a message of hope for ten minutes. Changes would happen, simply by praying and sharing God's hope.

Sunday, July 19, 2020

I'm Not The Script Writer

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to proper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Every night of the play I wrote had gone well, then one night changed it all. There was a problem backstage and once that was taken care of we headed to our places. I took my place waiting for my cue, when I noticed on stage a new actor. This person had not rehearsed with us, he didn't know the part. Then as I listened for my cue, the script had been rewritten.

I was told he was given permission, but since I was the author and director I wondered why I wasn't informed. I accepted it,  since it would look bad to interrupt this scene. The next scene we will get back to the script the way it was written. But this was not the case the rest of the show was chaos. The audience never settled down and I ended up in tears.

Luckily, this was a dream but it sent me a good message "I'm not the script writer of my life."

2020 has shown us that we indeed are not the script writers, but neither are other people. 

Maybe you thought you'd be married by now....

Maybe your plan was to be able to move out on your own...

Maybe you thought you'd be working...

Maybe you planned to have your dream wedding...

Maybe you thought married life would make your life wonderful...

Maybe your plan was to have a baby...

Maybe you thought you would have your dream vacation...

Maybe your plan was to have a graduation ceremony...

Maybe you thought you could worship in church...

Maybe you planned for someone to recover...

Our plans don't always go the way we scripted it out. Sometimes someone comes in and rewrites the script causing chaos. What are we to do when life seems to spiraling out of control? Go to the one who can keep things in control.

God has good plans for us. He doesn't want to harm us. God is our hope and our future. Even when our script changes, God has a better one written for us because we are not the script writers.

Monday, July 6, 2020

The Root of Bitterness

Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you have a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you. and over all these virtues put on love, which binds them together in perfect unity. Colossians 3:13-14 NIV

Have you ever held a grudge against someone? Maybe you have tried to forgive them, but as soon as you hear this person's name you cringe at the thought of him/her. It feels even worse when you see this person in the flesh, you might want to lash out irrationally. Or at the very least remind this person how much he/she hurt you.

Believe it or not, I have held onto this root of bitterness. I tried with all my might to forgive this person, but for some reason all those feelings of hurt come back up as soon as this person's name is mentioned. I thought I had forgiven this person, because I prayed about him/her to God but somehow the devil still had a foothold.

Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, "Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother or sister who sins against me? Up to seven times?

Jesus answered, "I tell you not seven times, but seventy-seven times." Matthew 18:21-22

I wondered how many times must I asked God to help me forgive this person, even when there are times this person still lashes out or turns others against me. From what I have read in scriptures, I need to continuously ask God to help my heart truly forgive.

Recently in a Bible study, I learned how one lady truly forgave. She would have to drive by this person's home almost daily and she would cringe, and God told her to pray for this person. Eventually, when she drove by this person's home she would no longer cringe. She even found herself not cringing when someone said this person's name or when she saw this person. She discovered the root of bitterness was gone.

For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive you. Matthew 6:14-15

One of the most important reasons to forgive is so God can forgive you. I don't know about you, but having God not forgive me would scare me. I make mistakes daily, sometimes hourly if I couldn't ask God to forgive me then I don't think it would go well for me. I would no longer feel His presence and have His peace even in the midst of craziness.  I am sure His blessings would soon stop as well.

I am far from rich. I am far from having all of my wants. But I do indeed receive God's blessings. The blessing of my family, my friends, a job, my health, a home, enough food to eat (sometimes too much)...God may not bless me with all the things I want, but He does indeed bless me with the things I need. Without God's blessings I live in a state of panic.

In order to receive His blessings, I need to follow His plans for me. One of these plans is to forgive this person I have a grievance over. No matter how many times this person offends, I will continually go to God and ask for Him to help me to truly forgive and remember his/her sins no more just as God does for me.

Maybe there is someone in your life that you need to ask God to help you forgive. Maybe when this person offends again, you can pray for him/her instead of watering the bitter root. Soon you will find this root had been picked from your garden and in it's place a beautiful garden is flourishing. I believe my root of bitterness is being pruned and the garden is growing.

Saturday, June 6, 2020

In His Image

So God created mankind in his  own image, in the image of God, he created them; male and female he created them. Genesis 1:27

What do you think of when you hear this verse? How do you picture God?

For me I have a picture of a Grandpa, Santa type. He is dressed in white, has a long white beard, and a Grandpa gut. I am not sure what his face looks like, I can't see that. His hand are strong and for me his hands are the same color as me. It's not because I don't believe His hands can be a different color. It's just if I'm created in his image, I must match Him some how.

For you, you may picture him with your coloring and since you are created in His image then that's perfectly natural. I believe we all resemble God. Most of us have our eyes, ears, nose, and mouth in the same place. Our bodies usually have everything placed in the same areas regardless of size. Sometimes someone maybe born without arms or legs, but the place for them remains the same. Think about it I don't think anyone has been born with a nose on his/her foot. Because we are all made in his image.

But the Lord said to Samuel, "Do not consider his appearance or his height, for I have rejected him. The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." 1 Samuel 16:7

For me I try to follow God, I try to not judge people when I first see them. Of course sometimes the color of their skin pops in my head, but that doesn't stop me from talking to them. I don't think "Oh no, their skin is different I better walk away." I try to follow God's lead, there have been times when I feel the need to avoid a person. It's not because of skin color, it's because for some reason I do not feel safe around this person.

Growing up a never even heard the "N" word. My parents didn't say it. My first experience with this word happened in sixth grade. There was a girl I wanted as a friend and in order to be her friend, I did things she asked me to. She told me to call a girl "N," and since I didn't realize this was a bad word I did it. This girl did not react too well, she hit me. We all ended up in the principle's office.  I learned a lot that day, that word was a bad word and don't do things people ask you to unless you know it's alright with God.

'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.' And the second is this: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.' There is no commandment greater than these. Mark 12:30-31

I try to live my life by these commandments. God is first in my life! It breaks my heart when someone doesn't try to treat others as they treat themselves. When someone does something wrong to someone else, he or she needs to be punished. My heart broke yesterday as I read the story for Alda. She is a Christian woman living in a Christian village until Muslims move near the village and eventually decided these Christian's need to convert or die. Her son, mother, and mother-in-law were killed. Her daughter, husband, and her are separated. She thought they were killed as well. Amazingly, even though she was captured her life was spared. The men made her strip her clothing and walk around naked. She was beaten countless times. She was forced to eat mud. Still she believed in God.  She was even forced to marry someone else even though she was already married.

"I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world." John 16:33

No matter how much we want to live in a perfect world, we live in a world where people can make choices. The choice to do the right thing or the choice to do the wrong thing. No matter who we are we all given this choice. 

This choice is evident early on, trust me I work with children. How young are they when they first hear the word "No"? We teach them right from wrong, so they can learn to make the right choice. Hopefully, we train them to love God. I love to hear the stories of children I've taught this too.

"My heart hurts."

"Why does your heart hurt?"

"Because Jesus is in there."

"I drew a picture and there is an invisible person hugging my friend."

"Is it me?"


"Is it Ms. Diana?"

"No, silly it's Jesus."

Or I hear them singing in the bathroom, "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so..."

Or even one who sang, "Jesus loves me this I know, for Ms. Diana told me so..."

I am tired of the wrong choices people make too. Hurting people is wrong, burning down someone's business is wrong, yelling obscenities is wrong. 

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.  Matthew 28:19-20

Before Jesus ascended into heaven, He gave us a job to do. We are to make disciples, followers of Jesus. I have been called to help teach the children to become a disciple. Who are you called to make disciple?

Maybe with more disciples, more right choices will be made.

Thursday, April 16, 2020

Feeling Closed In

Bless the Lord, Oh my soul, and forget not all his benefits, who forgives all your iniquity, who heals all your diseases, who redeems your life from the pit, who crowns you with steadfast love and mercy. Psalm 103:2-4 ESV

My days are good. I enjoy saving money on gas and tolls. It has been nice to worship with people online who don't come to our church. I'm for keeping people well, but I have had about enough.

First of all this year hasn't started out so great. Back in January a couple things happened to make my stress level to go way up. After a lot of prayer, things calmed back down and I felt normal again. God and me had some serious talks, mostly Him listening to me saying I've had a enough.

Most of us know how March and April have gone, a lot of changes out of our control. First, no public gatherings and it quickly went from there with some changes happening just a few hours apart. Then we get used to the new changes and government officials meet and then decide to change things even more. There is only so much we can take!

I understand trying to keep people from getting sick, but from what I understand more people recover from this Covid 19 virus than die from it. Sure it's sad when people die and I wouldn't want to be the one who accidentally gave an illness to someone, but is all of this even working? Is Covid 19 worse than the flu outbreak or a common cold? I know there are respiratory issues that can get really bad, but even that doesn't happen to each person who gets it.

The thing that has got to me these last couple of weeks is the face-mask. First, they tell us a face-mask is only useful if you're sick or if you are helping someone is sick. So will it do me any good in a grocery store? How do I overcome the closing in feeling I get when I put a mask on? I feel like I can't breath and start panicking. A face-mask just doesn't work for me.

Then on Monday within two minutes I get an emergency message about a new curfew, pretty sure that wasn't an emergency. Then I get a text message telling me the same thing. Then I get a phone call. Do they think I'm an idiot? I mean seriously!

I miss my family. Easter we usually have breakfast and dinner together, but this year we are separate. Sure we could reach out and call each other, but we weren't together.

I miss my day care kids, sure I have some of them and that keeps my days more normal. But not all of them are here and it just isn't quite the same. I've been teaching preschool to those not here with videos and sending them their papers, and their parents have sent me pictures of them which is wonderful.  But I miss them.

I miss my church kids. I didn't get to share the Easter message with the children who would have come to the egg hunt. Sure I made a YouTube video and shared that, but it wasn't the same as having a treasure hunt for Jesus.

I miss our youth. We have tried to reach out to them with Zoom worship, but not all of them are showing up. I feel so bad for our seniors in our youth group. This is not the way to end your senior year. They should be celebrating their final nine weeks, not learning how to do everything online and social distancing. I miss seeing their goofiness and the unique things each one brings to our church.

I miss my church family. We have reached out through e-mails, live worship, mail, and phone calls. Still it's not the same as seeing their happy faces, wondering what hat our hat lady will wear today, or hugging them.

Sure life will one day go back to normal, but it won't be the same. Some will be even more worried about germs and viruses. Some will decide not to leave their homes. Some will be overly excited to be freed from this mess!

I am grateful that I trust in God who heals our diseases and is with us even when we feel closed in. I will continue to obey the "daily new rule" even if I don't like it, because we are to obey the governing authorities.  My prayer and hope is that truly it is for our own good and not some way for people to make a name for themselves. I pray that before decisions are made that God is sought to see if this is really His plan. I will trust in God's promise that He will work things together for good because somehow, some way this has got to be for our good.

Mostly I will rejoice when the doors are open once again and I can be others!

Friday, April 3, 2020

Just Want to Get a Hug

And let us considered how to stir up one another to love and good works, not neglecting to meet together, as is the habit of some, but encouraging one another, and all the more as you see the day drawing near. Hebrews 10;24-25 ESV

I am quite sure I am not liking this social isolation. I guess it's for our own good and the good of others, but I dare say I am quite tired of it.

A few weeks ago when we could still meet at church, it hurt so much not to hug those I usually hug. It was strange to tap elbows, we are made to hug. Some of us aren't huggers, but some of us are. It was so hard not to hug and show that we're in this together.

When I was sitting in a waiting room, this woman in a wheelchair dropped her pen. All I wanted to do was get up, pick up the pen, and hand it back to her. Instead, I sat there wondering if I should help. I thought she might freak out if I got up and got in her six foot bubble to pick up the pen. Then I thought what if she has the virus then if I pick up the pen then I would get the virus.

The other day when picking up groceries, a man was asking me about how many eggs he could get. He was getting in my six foot bubble and I tried not to let it bother me, but there I was thinking, "he shouldn't be this close to me."

Is this what the world is coming too? Do we start looking at everyone as if they have the virus? Are we supposed act like at each person can infect me?

We were created to be with each other. God created Eve for Adam because God saw it wasn't good for man to be alone.

As Easter approaches this isolation from others is growing worse. Not only is Easter next week, but our son has a birthday. How are we supposed to celebrate, virtually? It's just not the same.

This also has me thinking what would Jesus do. Would he look at each person as a virus? Would he venture out with a face mask? Would he elbow bumped people or keep a six foot bubble around himself?

First thing he'd do is pray and ask God what He should do because Jesus would follow God's will. Then I think if he was out he would see people as God sees them-children of God, fearfully and wonderfully made. He wouldn't be afraid of a virus. He would pick up the lady's pen and pray for her. He would tell the man how many eggs and maybe ask him how many does he need. He'd comfort us and love each one of us as He loves himself.

Sure we need to honor our governing authorities, but we need to see each other as wonderful children of God. Not as a disease. Not as someone I could get the disease from. Don't stop loving your neighbor, if you feel God calling you to help then help. Don't sit in your home all alone, but reach out to others through phone calls, Facetime, or text.

Stop listening to the hype instead listen to your heart and where God leads you. Reach out in safe ways and pray for God's guidance. Find something to be joyful about. Don't give up, this to shall pass and this will all be a memory. But most of all trust in God, he has good plans.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Life in Paradise

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your request to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard  your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7

What I wouldn't give to be sitting on my Grandparents porch in the mountains with trees all around, you could hear the falls and birds. It was peaceful! Or to be sitting in a lounge chair on an island listening to the waves come in and out. Simply a life in paradise.

Unfortunately, right now I am sitting in my living room trying to live life as normal as possible. I have lived through lots of hurricanes and other illnesses but none of them have ever been to the extinct of this Corona-virus 19. Every time I turn around there is another recommendation given out and more closures. Life is far from paradise!

I don't sit around watching every news update or continuously check my Instagram or Facebook accounts, but that hasn't stopped me from hearing about it. I mean I do watch the news for the daily weather update and usually news highlights. I still take a peek at Facebook, just not every second of the day.

One of the hardest things for me at this time, is no public worship and no small groups. Worshiping and learning about God is the highlights of my week.  Sure we are worshiping virtually and tonight we're going to try virtual Bible study, but somehow it just won't be the same. There is nothing quite like worshiping as a body of Christ and a hug from a friend.

Some of us are worried that someone we love will end up sick or we'll end up sick none of us want that. But we live in this world where there is sickness, diseases have been around for a long time. The human spirit can endure in sickness, but a crushed spirit who can bear? Proverbs 18:14  Deep down we all know someone we love will die or one day we will die because this world is just a temporary place. Of course we want to be in this world as long as we can, but when we know where we are going we can have a peace that when our time does come we will see Jesus face-to-face. Because I have this assurance that Jesus is my Savior I am not afraid when my time comes. Hopefully, that isn't for a long time yet.

What do we do when this craziness gets overwhelming and we just need to find our peace? I pray and let me tell you a lot of praying has been going on. Breath prayers are a big comfort, a simple cry out to God doesn't have to follow a ritual prayer. One can simply say a sentence prayer, "God please help me."

Of course things have crossed my mind, do we still go out to eat? What about getting groceries? Saturday we had to decide on how to celebrate worship on Sunday, that was a hard decision but we trust we made the right one. Not an easy thing to do even when we trust in God.

I also read my Bible, there is a lot of comfort in reading God's words. He gives us all kinds of assurances in His word.

Turning off my media and crank up praise songs is a big comfort. There is nothing like singing praise songs to the one who created it all.

Then I reach out through text or phone calls to my faithful prayer warrior friends. I know I can simply share where I am struggling and they will also be praying for me and with me.

Then I am reminded that when God's people pray wonderful things happen-so where are you prayer warriors? Are we all ready to tell this disease to go away in Jesus name? Or like in "War Room" tell Satan he can't take our joy, our family, our paradise. I say when we all pray together we can all find our paradise and soon be back to normal.