Wednesday, August 8, 2018

So Annoying

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord," plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you a hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

The calls began daily about 5 o'clock. First my cell phone and then the home phone. I didn't answer them because as far as I was concerned I wasn't in the wrong.

While on vacation I made our camper payment, the thirteenth one in a twelve month period. I usually enter a half payment in the checkbook every two weeks, this is how we ended up a month ahead. Anyway, I didn't have the statement and I couldn't remember the amount. I figured I was off by a cent or two, and it wouldn't be a big deal. The amount is an odd amount which doesn't divide in two very evenly which is what I write in the checkbook. When I pay I double check the statement, which I didn't have because I did not receive one before we left. So I went ahead and paid it.

The day after the bank received our payment the calls began. After three days of calls, I decided I needed to check the bank. I discovered that through bill pay I could have seen the amount I usually pay. Anyway looking there help me discover I was off by $6.39, still not a big amount and besides I was ahead a payment so I can fix this next payment.

The calls stopped over the weekend but began again on Monday. So I called them back, they were threatening my credit score and then handing it over to debt collectors. Not a big deal to me, but how could they when I'm actually a month ahead. I left a message explaining how ridiculous it is that they are calling me over $6 and even more crazy considering I was ahead.

Turns out when I went over all the payments I made, they "lost" one of them. How could they lose a payment? I work hard to get ahead and they lose it! After they researched it, they "found" it and applied it to our account.

So looking back over this, I realize that God had this planned. Planned so I could discover that the bank wasn't applying our payments right, and for some reason when I receive the statements my balance isn't going down it shows the original loan amount. So now maybe I can figure that out, so this doesn't happen again.

So the annoying phone calls have turned into a blessing.

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