Friday, April 8, 2016

Behold the Power

For since the creation of the world God's invisible qualities-his eternal power and divine nature-have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that men are without excuse. Romans 1:20 NIV

Dirty dishes are a common problem in our house. It's funny, but we enjoy eating and we enjoy the preparation of delicious meals. Though no one in our household enjoys cleaning up the dirty dishes.

In fact, most everyone piles their dishes in the sink hoping the fairy maid (AKA mom) will show up and some how make the dishes clean. Sure enough if they wait long enough she appears and poof their mess disappears.

There have been times when the mess is stuck on so crusty and thick that it has been almost impossible to clean it. An overnight soaking hasn't even done much for it. Maybe if we're lucky a little crust comes free, but a good scrubbing usually makes the dish shiny and clean once again.

About six months ago though something changed for the fairy maid. The time has come to replace the faucet and with that replacement came a spray nozzle. Now since the fairy maid has lived in the house there has been a few other spray nozzles, but they only dribbled. There was no point in trying to rubber band those spray nozzles to surprisingly squirt someone because it wouldn't even fester up enough strength to dribble the sink in front of it yet alone the person standing there wanting to get a drink of water.

The power this new spray nozzle has! Those stuck on crusty messes now have no chance for survival. The fairy maid simply grabs hold of the spray nozzle aiming it for the crust and wallah no more crust. No more soaking of dishes or scrubbing to the arm bulks up three times it's original size.

A lot of us know God, but maybe we don't quite grasp His incredible power. Maybe we just casually address Him, and continue to scrub at our crusty mess only removing a crumb or two on our own. It isn't until we finally grab hold and squeeze into His ever trusting arms that we realize that with one squeeze He can remove all that crusty grim. Isn't time to let Him remove the crusty messes from your life? Behold His power!

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