"I've finally arrived," joked the man in line ahead of us as he entered the building and we were still stuck outside.
"We're one step behind you." I joked back as my loving sister-in-law, creative nieces, and artistic daughter waited to turn in artwork at the fairgrounds.
His joke though got me thinking about how many times I have been glad to finally arrive.
The long awaited vacation destinations.
The day my book was published.
My wedding day.
The arrival of my children.
It seems I am always waiting for some kind of arrival. When this happens then everything will be alright. Whenever I get there then I can relax. Mission accomplished, now what?
My guess is we are all waiting for the day when we finally arrive. Now I'm not talking fame and fortune here; I'm talking about the day we arrive at the pearly gates. The day we meet Jesus face to face.
Will you feel you've done all you could have for Him? Will your life have been perfect?
The answer will probably be "No". I have a bad habit of looking back and thinking, "what if I had done this instead of that?" "Why didn't I say that?" My brain always thinks of ideas when it's to late.
I guess all I can do is aim for perfection, even though I'll miss the mark. Focus on what Jesus asks of me and try to show his love to all those I meet.
Then when I do finally arrive I won't look back with regrets; I'll only hear, "well done good and faithful servant."