Sunday, March 9, 2025

How is Your Daily Streak?

And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people. Ephesians 6:18

Maybe you've heard of this App called Snapchat. The idea is to snap a picture and send it to your friends and then they send you a snap back. That's when you end up with a snap streak, which is very important. If you miss a day your snap streak has ended. Of course the streak can be restored, the first couple times are free but for a slight fee or if you are a Snapchat member your streak can be restored.

It is fun to see your daily streak number grow, my longest streak is 1454 and my shortest is 401. There have been some streaks that we started and then one of us missed a day and now the streak is over. The other person could be like I once was and not quite understand what a daily streak is. Luckily, my son explained it to me. Or maybe the streak doesn't really matter, just seeing a quick snap is enough.

These quick little updates are most of the time a lot of fun. Just a quick peek into what's going on in a person's day.

This got me thinking though- how is your daily streak?

Not your Snapchat streak, but your daily streak with God.

How long is your God streak?

Do you talk with Him daily? Do you pray continually?

God desires to have a quick peek into your life, well actually He would like to have a close relationship with each of us. He wants to hear all your prayers and requests. He likes to know how your day is going. He loves you more than your Snap friends or your family.

He knew about us before He created the world. He knew about us when we were created in our mother's womb. He knows the trouble we have faced and will face, this world is full of trouble because of all the chaos around us. He is there through the rough days and He is there through the joyful days.

Wouldn't a 43,830 God streak be the best streak?

Saturday, February 8, 2025

How Do You Face the Storm?

Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles. And let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us, fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinners, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart. Hebrews 12:1-3

Life can be downright tough! Sometimes it seems like I'm fighting every step of the way just to keep from being blown away.

This past week I realized that the storm is stronger than I've let on. I seek shelter, hold tight to my umbrella, and wear my jacket but somehow I still get soaked. 

Why is so tough to serve the Lord?

Because there is an enemy the devil prowling like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.

He doesn't like to see it when lives are being changed for the Lord. He doesn't like it when someone does all he or she can to serve the Lord. He doesn't like it when you spend time devoted to the Lord. So the devil will put up roadblocks and detours just to get us off track.

These past couple of months, there have been lots of roadblocks and detours. Some of them have hurt deeply and are taking a bit to recover from. 

An unexpected loss of a job sent us scrambling and wondering how in the world are we going to make it through. We did, with the grace of God. Luckily, we had some money put away not a lot but some. Every time I had to touch it, the Lord was gracious through others giving us monetary gifts. Because of this the amount we had when the job was taken away is the same as we have today. God is good! All of our bills were paid and we didn't miss a meal! Praise God!

Another part of the storm that hits hard and has been strong for the last couple of years, is a couple of our children no longer worship in a church. The storm from a few years ago has left them hurt and confused. Now they have gotten used to not going, it feels good to sleep in on a Sunday. They both know the Lord. But we are told not to give up worshipping together as some are inclined to do. Every week I pray for them to get back to church, one day they will.

This week the storm took another turn with one of our family members ending up in the hospital. He is doing alright, but still the storm goes on.

How do I overcome this storm that keeps brewing?

Prayer Warriors! My great cloud of witnesses that at a moments notice will stop and pray. They also offer words of encouragement and are there to help me get through.

Fixing my Eyes of Jesus! Whenever the storm grows big or is scary, I call out to the one who can get me through. He meets me when I read the Bible, read a devotion, sends me the right praise song...Every time I fix my eyes on Him, I can keep going through the storm.

God's Word! The Bible is the living word of God, He sends me the right words, puts a verse in my heart, and gives me a message.

Worship! The right praise songs can get me through a tough moment. I have praise music going most of the day. I even have two in my phone- one set as my notification tone and one as my ring tone. It can drive people close to me a bit nuts because it's longer than a regular tone. But when the children in my care can sing that song as it plays, then I say so much the better. A good worship time at church can also help refill my cup.

The storm is brewing! But I know the one who says, "Peace! Be Still!" So as the storm calms and when it gets strong again! I will continue to run the race and fix my eyes on the One who can make the devil run away.

Saturday, November 18, 2023

How's Your Tank?

 Even youths grow tires and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint. Isaiah 40:30-31 NIV

How's your tank? Are you running on empty?

We are entering into one of the busiest seasons of the year. This coming week we will celebrate Thanksgiving. Some of us will travel, some of us will stay home, and some of us will have to work.

There are days when I get overwhelmed by thinking about all that lies ahead: decorating, buying gifts, more cooking, cleaning...the list can go on and on. 

Occasionally, I feel like nothing is going right. My body isn't cooperating from arthritis to other aches and pains, from allergies to tummy troubles. I wonder when will my body just work right?

Every so often I get frustrated with those around me. If they would just listen and pay attention things would just be so much better.

Lately, I have grown weary of our income. I had counted on a couple things happening that would increase our income and those opportunities did not happen.

All of this plus other things can cause me to grow weary, I wonder how I can possibly go on? This year has brought about challenges. Trials I was not counting on. It felt like God has said "No" a lot. I wonder "why, why God are you not granting my request?"

Recently, I read the book of Job. This is not a book in the Bible I enjoy- there are a few. This time though I asked God to help me see and learn something new. He granted that request. Job lost everything and yet he never blamed God. He grew weary and wondered "How long?"

“How I long for the months gone by, for the days when God watched over me, when his lamp shone on my head and by his light I walked through darkness! Job 29:2-3

"Those who hope in the Lord, will renew," even though I have been weary I still have hope. 

Hope that Thanksgiving will be a day of thanks and not only that day but everyday to take the time to give thanks to God.

Hope that God will help me organize my day to accomplish what I need to, not all I want to, but what I need to. Our house will get decorated and gifts will get bought or made, somehow. Everything will be clean and food prepared.

Hope that my body will cooperate better and I will take care of myself.

Hope that my reaction to those around me will show His fruits and not my weariness.

Hope that I will trust in God's provisions. That I remember that He has always provided what is necessary and exactly when it was needed.

As I hope God will renew my strength and help me not to be weary. My prayer is that you will also find your hope in Him and let Him restore your strength. He loves you!

Saturday, September 30, 2023

Well Excuse Me!

 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” Matthew 28:19-20

From the moment I saw them, I wondered what they were up to. It is not unusual when we go downtown to see different people on the corner holding signs about what they stand for. Usually, I can walk on by them which is good because I usually have children with me.

This particular Saturday though it was just my husband and me. As we began our walk to where we were heading I hear a lady asking others, "Do you know Jesus?" I thought, "I sure do." So I was prepared if she or anyone else asked me. Because she wasn't alone. There was a problem though, even if the person she asked said, "Thank you, I'm good." She would continue to walk with who she asked for about 50 feet handing papers, hounding this person, and to me that's a problem.

We made it past the first group and then arrived at the corner where we needed to cross the street. We saw a man in the center, he was different. He had a microphone and was preaching to those going by. Every scripture he read, I knew. Then there was the man with the sign "Repent and Believe." He immediately began, "Do you know Jesus?"

"Yes, I'm good."

Then he began to walk with and keep hounding us, where my husband shared, "Listen, I am a pastor."

"Why are you against us then?"


Against them, we weren't against them just the way they were going about sharing Jesus. Hounding and being right there in people's personal space is not exactly the way God wants us to make disciples. Not sure how many are really saved by their approach. 

The couple who was joining us, who already believe just prayed the prayer again to not be harassed. How many others did the same?

How do we make disciples?

By how we live, living in such a way that other's crave to know what makes you different. Sharing God's love with others by making friends and being their friend. Sharing your story of how Jesus has changed your life.

God wants each of us to know He sent His son, He died for each of us for all of our mistakes, and He rose again. If we believe, ask forgiveness, and ask Jesus to be with us then we can be saved.

Pretty sure those on the corner yelling and hounding "Repent & Believe", need a better way to share God's love. 

Friday, September 22, 2023

Walking in Darkness

When Jesus spoke again to the people, he said, “I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will never walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” John 8:12

Standing there in the dark cave I couldn't see my hand in front of my face and for a few moments it was alright, still I was craving the light. The temptation to pull out my phone and find the flashlight was crossing my mind. The guide though assured us that if we waited it would be worth it, also while explaining to us that if we stayed in the darkness for too long we would actually go crazy.

So I waited and yes, when he began to turn the lights on it was worth it. It was a simple projector that displayed little lights in the cave, but it was spectacular view. It was like twinkling stars in the sky.

I don't know about you, but I do not like the dark. There is a reason I have a night light in every room of the house. It maybe because my little brother liked to tease me, by hiding around the corner in the dark just so he could jump out and scare me. Walking in the darkness, is no joking matter.

There was a time in my life I walked in partial darkness. I accepted Jesus as a young teen and I knew He was there, but I didn't let Him into all the places of my life into the dark corners. Have you ever noticed that when you do turn on a light in the room, that there is still some places the light doesn't reach?

I had not let the light of the world into all the places of my life. Sure the light guided me, there were times when I was faced with decisions between right and wrong and most of the time I chose to walk in the light. But I still didn't trust completely in the light.

But to have a daily time to read the word and study what the light was trying to say to me, there just wasn't time for that. A simple "Now I lay me down to sleep...God Bless..." was a good enough prayer, right? Still the light was in my life, even when there were dark times.

The day came though that the light needed to get into the corners. My money decisions were leading us to ruin. My husband trusted me and yet I had failed. Could it really be that the world's way of spending our money wasn't the right way? Was maxing out our credit cards and not paying our mortgage not the right way? There was only one way to bring light into the darkness, to surrender to the light.

Now I do not walk in darkness, I walk with the light of life. Will you let the light come in? Will you let the light drive out the darkness? Can Jesus come into all the corners and crevices of your life? 

Sunday, August 20, 2023

God's Plans Are Good

 "For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

We all go through trials. There are times we do not understand what is going on. It is during these times that I try my best to keep my eyes on Jesus.

Several years ago, we had a trial at the church we were serving at. The people in charge wanted to close this little church down. We got on our knees; we trusted God that it was not time for the church to close.

Whenever I need confirmation from God I prayed for a sign much like Gideon, instead of a wet cloth and dry ground I pray for teddy bears in strange places. God has sent them over and over, a bear on a perfume counter, a pest control bear, and even a bear maze through a corn field. These are just some of the teddy bears God has sent me to confirm that it's alright to move forward.

At the time of this little church's decision and how we were to move forward, God sent me several teddy bears in strange places. I had confidence that God would keep this little church open and He did!

At the beginning of the year, we knew there was a small, very small group of people who were trying to do their own agenda. We were uncertain as to what would happen, but we were certain we had God to go to. We prayed and had several of our prayer warriors praying.

Again, when I need confirmation from God, I asked for the teddy bears in strange places. At first I wasn't getting any. This is not so unusual, sometimes God teaches us to wait. At this time I believed that my husband may need the confirmation more than me. God was working on him and his trust. Sure enough once he received his signs from God that we would be able still serve God where we were, I received my confirmation.

This gave me assurance that it would be God's will that we would stay. There was also something different this time, God was giving me other ideas like a home church. He was letting me know even if His will wouldn't be followed He would still have us in His hands. 

There are time when other people do not follow God's will. They make decisions without truly checking with God. There are times when I've followed my own agenda rather than God's, we all do it. The good news is that God still has us.

The night we went to find out if we would still get to serve God where we were, we were 99% sure God's will would be done. Unfortunately, the 1% happened. We would no longer be serving God here. We were devastated. 

But God still is God....

We knew God wanted us to still serve Him. Now the question was "What now Lord?" Is it a home church or is it something else?

A month before we heard the decision of those higher up, my husband needed a retreat. The weekend before I discovered that the pastor of the men's weekend did not have an assistant pastor to serve with him. I suggested my husband go and forget about all the turmoil going on. While he was there he met a pastor of another church, who kept saying "I need an assistant pastor". My husband didn't think much about it after all we knew what God's will should be.

Soon after sharing that God's plan didn't happen, God's other plan was taking shape. No matter how devastated I was feeling I still knew God had great plans for us. This pastor reached out to my husband.

God opened up a place for my husband to continue to follow his calling. A place where he could still serve God, teach about God, and trust in God. A place where I can still serve God, teach about God, and trust in God.

I will continue to seek out God's will and ask for teddy bears in strange places whenever I need assurance. I will continue to follow Him even if other's don't.  I will trust that God knows the plans He has for me, plans to prosper me and not to harm me.

The same is true for all those who trust in him.

Monday, February 14, 2022

God's Love is Always There

 How precious is your steadfast love, O God! The children of mankind take refuge in the shadow of your wings. Psalm 36:7

God's love is always there, it never leaves us. At times though we may wonder "does he even care, because this is not the way life is supposed to be."

Someone we love dies and all we wanted is more time with them. A friend has an illness that the doctors can't figure out. Family members won't speak to you. There isn't enough money to cover this month's bills much less buy food to eat. Where is God's love?

These past two years we wonder where has God gone? Why doesn't He just wipe away this virus? After all I trust in Him, I accepted Him, and I do what He asks of me.

Noah was a righteous man and he had to float on the water for almost a year. David was known as a man after God's own heart. Moses followed God, but He had to stay in the wilderness 40 years and never got to enter the Promise Land. God loved David, even though God loved Him, David spent a good many years running and hiding from a man who wanted to kill him.  Paul was a missionary for God and he spent most of his time in jail.

Life here on earth is hard! I have had to face unplanned surgeries and some days it feels like my body is falling apart. We've struggled to have enough money to pay our bills. My husband and me gripe at each other. We don't live in a rose garden where everything is perfect, but don't rose bushes have thorns?

The good news is every struggle we face, every trial that comes up, every rough patch God's love is always there. The hard days...God's love is there. The unexpected trial...God's love is there. The death of a loved one...God's love is there. In a crisis...God's love is there.

Through it all one thing remains God's great love!