Friday, February 2, 2018

Blinding Light

"As he neared Damascus on his journey, suddenly a light from heaven flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice say to him, 'Saul, Saul, why do you persecute me?'" Acts  9:3-4 NIV

Have you ever had a blinding experience? One when you couldn't see anything. It happened to me the other day as I was driving on a toll road. I came around the curve of a crazy merge place and there in front of me was the sun filling up my entire windshield with a bright beaming light. The sun visor didn't help at all.

The trouble was I had just seen the car in front of me begin to slow down and then I couldn't even see it. In that split second a began to slam on my brakes with the thought in my head that I can't stop completely on the interstate or I'll get reared ended. Then just as quick as it blinded me everything became clear again.

During this entire occurrence I never once thought, could God be trying to get my attention?

I wonder what Saul thought when a light from heaven flashed all around him. Did he wonder if the people in front of him were stopping? Did he think this is annoying, how am I ever going to get to Damascus on time?

Can you imagine his surprise when Jesus spoke to him?

Saul was trying to take things into his own hands by getting rid of the Christians. He thought he was doing what he was supposed to do. But soon God spoke to him and he got his attention in the best way he knew how. Saul changed his ways when he became a follower of Jesus.

God gets our attention in the ways He knows we need. The question is do we pay attention? Do we accept and change?

My drive down the interstate wasn't my wake up call. Mine came in the back of a small church when I was a teen and then again when I was about to lose everything. My life has been forever changed, and for that I am glad.

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