Rules they are meant to be followed, aren't they? Why else would the law makers make them? But have we gone a little crazy with some of the rules we have made?
Now most of the time I try to follow the rules. I stop when there's a red light or stop sign (at least most of the time, there was that time I never even saw the traffic light). I usually go the speed limit (at least most of the time, there are times when I'm singing or just thinking about something and I look down only to realize I'm going way to fast.)
While working I try to follow most of the rules set by the county, but I've been caring for children for twenty-six years. I believe I know what I'm doing, and some of this new stuff they come up with is just beyond crazy. I think most of the time the people who set these rules have never spent a day, let alone an afternoon, caring for children. Now don't get me wrong I try my best to keep the children I care for safe because I love them and don't want anything to happen to them. Some things though are just common sense.
Even in the church, there are some crazy rules put into place. I mean there's a book around 800 pages long just full of rules we as a body of Christ are to follow. Again, I try to follow them but teaching and serving God are the rules I like to follow.
God made a pretty simple list of rules for us to follow. Some people don't want those displayed anywhere because it might offend someone. But those ten rules are a lot simpler to follow than the thousands of rules set by man. They are pretty simple to memorize, in fact, there is a song the kids and I learned to help us out "The Ten Commandment Boogie"
So if you were to ask me if I follow the rules, I'd say "Yes, I follow God's rules and I'm gonna dance them until I die."