Lazy hands make a man poor, but diligent hands bring wealth. Proverbs 10:4 NIV
"Lord, I just don't know what to do anymore. I've encouraged, I've left him alone, I've waited and waited, but he keeps wasting his days. He's your child, I leave him at your feet. Please do with him what you will. Amen"
A few weeks ago I prayed this prayer. Our mechanical son is now finished with tech school, and now came the time for him to get a job. He had the opportunity at one place, but he blew it because he didn't follow up. He's been waiting for them to come begging him to work for them-not gonna happen.
Now another opportunity was at his doorstep. I wasn't going to sit back and watch him blow it again. I prompted him to call back, or at least e-mail the person who interviewed him. After some resistance he did send an e-mail. Now for him to call. In his normal fashion he put it off.
So after more praying, it was time to get drastic. No call, no phone. The next day I took his most prized possession-his cell phone. After all I'm paying for it-at least until the contract runs out. I tried shutting it off, somehow though he was still able to use it for the Internet. So it was time to take it.
He was not pleased with this new event. He sulked and got madder, but still didn't do the couple things I asked of him. Finally, he apologized and did one of the things. "Son, I just want you to be the man of God you were created to be. It's time to grow up and get the job." I explained.
The day after the call he had his second interview. The following Monday he went for drug testing, and a week later he was employed. It wasn't easy. I want to treat him like the man he is, but it's hard when he was being lazy. Now his hands can earn him wealth.
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