Saturday, January 8, 2022

A Time to Get Back

 39 And she had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord's feet and listened to his teaching. 40 But Martha was distracted with much serving. And she went up to him and said, “Lord, do you not care that my sister has left me to serve alone? Tell her then to help me.” 41 But the Lord answered her, “Martha, Martha, you are anxious and troubled about many things, Luke 10:39-41 ESV

Several times during a devotion or Bible study I have realized God has called me to write and that I need to get back to writing these simple messages. I ask forgiveness and yet, I rationalize that I am writing once a week since I write my children's church message. Or I am writing a VBS, so Lord I am writing. This is not only what He desires from me.

This week once again God showed me that I needed to get back to sharing. Of course I asked Him, "when Lord, I am so busy? Some days I can't even make a phone call, let alone write my devotion."

He said, "make the time."

Saturdays seem like a good day to take the time, so I was det3ermined that this Saturday would me a good day to begin again. Of course as my week progressed, my list for what I needed to do today grew and grew. Then last night the dog decided to bark a few times during the night waking me. I just want to sleep a little bit later on Saturdays, not lose sleep because of the dog. As I laid there debating about getting up God was reminding me-today's the day.

Why do we let things get in the way of doing what God asks of us? Why do we worry about all the details? Why are we afraid to trust in Him?

Well from what I've learned, Satan doesn't want us to do what God asks of us. If he can fill our days up so we are to busy to talk to God, then he can distract us easier. I haven't stopped talking to God. Most days it's an ongoing conversation. There are times when I have had the opportunity to get on and write only to decide that I just want to sit and chill with nothing to do. Some days my days are so busy that I just don't want one more thing added to my list.

God tells us "do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow has enough worries of its own." So why do we let worry take over. There have been a few times in the past year when anxiousness has tried to consume me. Now my faith in God is strong, but there are still times when I have been shaken. I could feel the tightening in my jaw and the bile rising in my throat because of this worry filling me up. Luckily, I prayed through it. I would remind myself breathe in God, breathe out the anxiousness. Peace didn't enter right away, but eventually it did. I could see God working out the situations, so I knew He had it the whole time.

If I have learned anything over these past couple of years is that trust in God works out a lot better than being anxious or worried about many things. 

I am going to try and not let the busyness of my days get in the way of blogging once a week. Even if only one or two read this, I will know that I am obeying God and sharing what He wants me too. It is time to get back!

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