Wednesday, July 22, 2015

A Little Reminder

God did this so that, by two unchangeable things in which it is impossible for God to lie, we who have fled to take hold of hope offered to us maybe greatly encouraged. We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure. Hebrews 6:18-19a NIV

At times I pray and feel really close to God, I feel like I know His plan and I'm pretty sure about the way something is going to turn out. I mean I wouldn't guarantee it, but I get this feeling and usually my feeling is pretty accurate.

These last few weeks though, my knowing God's plan has not gone so well. My husband ended up with a foot infection. I really thought that if he just took my advice and the took the medicine the doctor prescribed things would turn out alright. Instead he ended up hospitalized for a week.

I was mad at God and mad at my husband. I thought we were doing what God required of us and yet God knew he needed to be in the hospital. There he was able to get the best treatment for him. Still I felt tossed by the waves and thrown a bit off course.

The next big wave hit me, I would now need to take our seven campers from church to camp without my husband. This wasn't to big a deal because I love to do it. It was just now I would have to get our camper to the campground. Sure I could have someone else do it, but I felt like God wanted me to ride the wave and drive it myself.

This was a big wave to overcome since eight years ago I totaled our travel trailer on the interstate. I have driven our van and camper short distances but never on the interstate. So with much encouragement from God I knew I was to defeat this wave. I didn't drive it on the interstate, instead I took the back roads. We all got there safe and sound.

There were still more storms for me to conquer throughout the week. In my head, I always assumed that since my husband had two weeks of sick time and four weeks of vacation time if for some reason he ever had to miss work his time would be covered. Boy was I wrong. To our surprise once out for ten days one is required to take a medical leave. I was surprised even more when one of these weeks he was out had already been put in for vacation months ago, so I thought he should have been good for at least three weeks.

As all of these waves and storms continued to hit me, I was worried. I mean I know God has it all in His hands, but at times I still worry.

God spoke to me several times through out my week at camp. The meeting place was an anchor, a song we sang was about an anchor, and one night the message was about God being our anchor. You see even when my boat spins out of control, the one thing I can rely on is God is my anchor! Even if I need to reminded of that.

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