Busyness tends to consume me especially in the month of December. There are events at church, times with family, and of course all those presents to buy. Lately, my Wednesdays have been very busy. The day can easily get away from me and before I know it, I had no time for my devotions and prayer time.
Now that January and a new year is here, my busyness has slowed down to just my regular schedule. I tried to make a commitment to get back to blogging and somehow seventeen days has gone by. I really wanted to get back to writing a devotion once a week. When I can manage to work it into my schedule it helps me to keep my eyes on Jesus.
Sure I have my daily devotion and prayer time, but there is just something about being able to write and share what I am going through. There are times though when I want to take a nap or watch one of the series on Netflix instead of writing. I guess in those times I maybe getting entangled.
I let things get in the way of what I really want to be doing which is getting back to not losing sight of what's important to me. It is important that I not let the busyness take away my focus on the one who makes my faith stronger.