"Oh **** it," comes the talk out of a young child.
My mind is blown away, how could someone so young be learning these words. Apparently, the older children in my care thinks it's funny to teach the younger ones the words I don't allow.
It wasn't that long ago when the worst thing I had to correct the kids on were "Shut-up", "Oh my God", and "Fart". Now I know these sayings may not offend you, but for our house they are words we don't say.
Today though this group of kids are saying things much more offensive. Shockingly, I realized the words these elementary kids are saying, I didn't hear until high school. How come the change?
Could it be it's everywhere? People use these words as if they were part of every day conversations. Now a days no one even apologizes for the use of these words. No more, "I'm sorry ma'am it just slipped out." No sir, now it just pops out and no one even apologizes. They look at you funny if you even react to it.
Why do we even need to say cuss words anyway? Sure there are times when I get upset and have slipped out a "Geez".
I have a friend who slips out some interesting sayings, "Golly Whopper" or "Biscuits and gravy" or something else very interesting. Her sayings never offend anyone. In fact, while having a procedure done, the doctors and nurses were in hysterics just waiting to see what would come out of her mouth. A much better way to be, don't you think?
Maybe I'm just getting old, but I'd really like to go back to the days when "**** You!" or "God **** it" were not a part of every day talk. I think maybe even the God of the universe might like it as well, since we should talk to build each other up instead of tear down.
So the next time we hear someone say something offensive, maybe we can have the courage to help them change or at least apologize.